when the servers were down the timers on our "usables" kept going. yeah sure they extended elevator passes, but what about the other stuff? what about heat amplifiers and krogomo coin boosters? waste of so much ce!
This is outrageous!

They should do it with the the other add ons yeah, but I think Ele Passes are of more value to people than a coin booster or heat amp....
trinkets and Weap slots on the other hand.


Yes, because OOO planned that t-storm to break the Amazon servers and make you lose time on your usables! Part of there grand scheme!!
And, this is Cradle! Not Sparta!!

That's a pretty good point about the Krogmo Coin Boosters.
People can have 6 activated at the same time, which is 1800 CE. Coin Boosters only last for 1 day, so the servers could have been down for over half of the Boosters' duration.
Indeed, but the chances of Three Rings listening are pretty slim. Everyone should submit support requests, flood their support team.
Also, wtf, they only gave us 9 hours of half price. I didn't even know the game was back up >_>