I swear I have deposited 10,000 minerals by now... I am going insane over it cause it is the only achievement that I have yet to get. To anyone who has received it, how long did it take you?
Dat "Master Miner" Achievement

Like 3 months of passive clockworking or so. They were a decent source of cash at low tiers.

Just wondering, do you have to deposite all 10,000 in the same gate? Or is it just a career goal?

It's cumulative, Demonic just chose to do it all at once for dramatic effect.

And that massive crown boost :3
34,000 crowns at once felt nice for a T2 nub nub.
And it's easier to keep track of, instead of dropping off mineral every week or run or whatever.

I have never used my minerals. I have around 5K of each type. If I were to sell each mineral for 4 cr, I would get 100K cr. Someday, I shall built my own gate consisting of nothing but shock and fiend stratums. The original plan, before missions came out, was to save up and build all of the clockwork gates from scratch, and I calculated that I would need a good 80K of each or something like that. So I thought "Well, maybe in 5-6 years, if I'm STILL playing this, then I will be able to do that..."
Now I'm just saving them up for the off chance that a new use for them is created- because its not like I really need crowns that badly. I still need a good million crowns for scissor blades, but I can just earn that over time, I'm in no real rush. Of course, I do suggest making sinks for them, but its not because I have a ton and would immediately benefit from it. I have a ton of everything, so its not like I'm going to be at a loss if they choose to instead make a jelly gem sink- I had like 500 of them, and then sold them to help my funds (jelly gems aren't as exciting). I suppose I am at a loss if they do nothing rofl.

I sold mine frequently and still got the achievement. In fact only reason I sold them at all was to see if I'd get it.
Got it now though.
2-3 Months of constantly saving up minerals I get from using my mist and some ce everyday. I heard you could sell them in small packets, but I wanted it all at once.