If I were to go to the end of a danger room, invite three alts, and then have them go solo, is that considered against the ToS? (This increases the chance of an equipment drop.)
Just a quick question.
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 18:21

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 20:55

It is not at all against the
It is not at all against the ToS to invite alts to a floor to get more payout. As long as you don't use third party software to duplicate your inputs, you're fine.
I don't know if what you want to do will be achieved, though.
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 21:08

Items/crown/heat that drop from boxes are determined upon opening/breaking the box.
I have done this a few times with the LoA mission. I had to drag my alt through LoA, but that shouldnt be any different from inviting at the end of a danger mission.
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 21:14

So if I drag my alts through LoA and then have them all go solo at the treasure cache, I should get different crown and heat payouts on all three?
I believe all drops from treasure boxes are pre-determined once you start a floor. This is from a thread I read awhile back, last year or early this year. You can't duplicate items in boxes, and the "owner" is already selected, even if he gets kicked or leaves party. Not sure if its still true, or was ever true.
Probably not against ToS though.