So I've noticed that if I log in with my Steam account (This one.) it doesn't recognize me as logged in on the wiki. The Log in button does nothing and I still can't edit pages or do anything logged in users can do.
Steam users can't login
Try reading carefully next time. if I log in with my Steam account (This one.) it doesn't recognize me as logged in on the wiki. I don't have another account. The forums work just fine.
You can log on with Steam to the forums, but not the wiki.
This is a very old issue that's been around since the Steam release.
Bopp is correct except for suggesting that you use your account that you use for the forums.
He was confused (probably) because some players have an alternate account that they use for both wiki and forum for simplicities' sake.
If you want to edit the wiki, you will need to have a second account until the login issues are fixed (if they ever will be.)
This is an ancient, well-known problem, for which you already have a workaround (using your other account). So I didn't put much thought into my answer. Sorry.
This is a long-known issue. I don't speak for Three Rings, but my advice is not to hold your breath for a fix. Just edit the wiki from the account that you use for forum posting.