1. Mature: No joining parties uninvited, no begging, no bitching at the person who asked you to stop to give a bit af advice...
2. Always give a bit of advice to guildies in need.
Our mission statement is: "To create a guild where one can thrive with intelligent teammates"
We offer advancement as follows:
Members must have a 2* set, have been active for 5 days, and have completed the T1 Mastery Test**.
Veterans must have been active for 2 weeks* and have completed the T2 Mastery Test**.
Officers must have already achieved Veteran Status and must have completed the T3 Mastery Test**
*Active knights must at least use their mist everyday for the allotted time.
**Tier Mastery Tests are administered as follows:
A Guild Master or Officer must accompany you on this run to increase the difficulty(he/she will henceforth be referred to as the administer). The administer will die at the beginning of the stage and watch the testee from there. The testee is not to revive himself/herself at all, while keeping in mind that party buttons will pull the administers body, thus demonstrating awareness. Upon successful completion of a Tier Mastery Test, the administer awards the testee all of the cr that he/she got from the run and a corresponding promotion.
T1 Mastery Test consists of Mission 3-2 Shadow of the Beast
T2 Mastery Test consists of Mission 5-2 Sovereign Slime and 6-2 Built to Destroy
T3 Mastery Test consists of Mission 9-3 The King of Ashes
If you're interested in joining us then contact one of our GMs, as we currently have no officers.
Guild Masters
Hello people, I am Gyrruss! The younguest guild master of the group, and somewhat an active recruiter!
Yes, I know, the post above looks intimidating, it may even look "come in, rank up, get out", BUT, that's not how it is on the guild, mind you! I'd like to say, the guild is mature, however we have fun and enjoy each other, we love to joke around (in many levels lol), as well as we're always laid back when we can. I'm going to set a few rules for common courtesy and behavior, as well as many other things (these rules may change at any time by the founder, Dark-Xoa, so keep in touch with us or the post).
Common courtesy rules:
1. Have fun! - There's no other thing to say, the games were meant for fun, and our guild is no exception! Go on, talk to us, make friends, goof around! That's what things are supposed to be, anyway!
2. Improve! - Some people have good equipment but aren't the best. Some people have very good skill, but horrible equipment. You could be any of those, and to that, I say, improve! Our guild loves to see members improve their skills and armor, it makes us proud to see people pulling their own weight and enjoying the time with us on the field, and off the field too. Don't be afraid to ask for help, I'm sure any of us will be glad to help!
3. Be kind, be nice! - Skills only don't get you on the guild, of course. We want our people to be nice; don't be rude, don't annoying other guildmates or players! So as the previous posts says, please don't beg (having enough plz's on the officer chat is enough lol) , don't spam the chat, and don't pop in randomly on runs (unless it's an exceptional emergency where things cannot be mailed, or something that has to defy this rule). Give advice, advice is always good!
Now, before I go on, I'd like to say this: "We're not afraid to invite, but we're not afraid to boot." We've had some incidents where some users had to be removed from the guild, but that is because they did not follow some of the rules above. Yes, we do give chances, and we're understanding people, just don't stretch the situation any further! =P
So as for ranking and scaling, refer to the previous post! If you're looking for a mature and good guild, we're always recruiting good and awesome people! :D