Petitions are NOT suggestions.
"A petition is a request to do something, most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity." ; "a petition is a document addressed to some official and signed by numerous individuals."
Therefore it belongs in General Discussion.
"But Tersakoff, a petition suggests something!"
Yes, but, due to it's nature, it is not a suggestion. Because it first addresses players, to sign it, and then it addresses you, to make it happen. A suggestion is person A saying something smart or dumb that he wants to see happen, and a petition isn't that. It's a thing more people want to see happen, therefore it addresses the community. Plus, a petition needs exposure, and the suggestions forum does not provide enough.
So essentially, a petition should stay in general discussion because it has more of a community aspect than a suggestion aspect.
Edit, I decided to move a post to the OP: Bopp said, "I inadvertently proposed a model (or maybe you did?) in which petitions start out in the Suggestions forum and are then promoted to General Discussion if they gain support." However...
"So maybe a suggestion that gets enough support could well be converted into a petition"
Now here's something that's pretty subjective: Let's say an idea to make use of the right side of Haven with things that would involve a huge volume of work from OOO's side, basically calling in for a lot of new, solid content, gets a lot of supporters. However, this cannot be a petition. Why? OOO can't be forced to dedicate their time to it.
However, let's say there's an idea that asks for older players to redo the creation process, something that doesn't require so much work from OOO, and is... how should I call it... more like, community related. Or, if they wouldn't have done it anyway, a petition to remove the emoticons how they did it once- :) was turning into "Knight laughs.". That's an appropriate petition, rather than a suggestion.
This is subjective to every idea/petition.. I hope you understood what I was trying to say here.. basically, a minor change with a great community impact can be a petition, a huge content suggestion cannot.
This comes down to an argument over the precise definitions of words. Such arguments tend to be tedious and not illuminating.
In truth, there is no clear dividing line between discussions and suggestions. There's a spectrum. A single discussion can move along the spectrum over time, as posts like "How does this aspect of the game work?" are followed by "Why is it like that?" and then "Let's change it to this!".
"A suggestion is person A saying something smart or dumb that he wants to see happen, and a petition isn't that. It's a thing more people want to see happen, therefore it addresses the community."
The distinction you're making is that a suggestion is made by one person, while a petition is supported by many people? According to your criterion, a newly created petition is a suggestion. A suggestion that gets a lot of +1s is a petition. See how one turns into the other?
"Plus, a petition needs exposure, and the suggestions forum does not provide enough."
This is not a compelling argument. Every poster in these forums wants more exposure for his/her posts.