So, it appears you can't log in to the wiki or in-game using a Steam account at the moment.
ETA for a fix?
Off-topic:Is there any way to transfer a knight from a steam account to a SK account?
Steam accounts not working?
Wed, 07/04/2012 - 18:31

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 20:18

you can never log onto the wiki using Steam
If I'm not mistaken, Steam users have never been able to log onto the wiki. It is a known "bug" or shortcoming. There does not appear to be any movement toward a "fix".
Wed, 07/04/2012 - 20:51

Its been a year
I been away for almost a year, I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been a "fix" for the login for the wiki. Its too bad I can't convert my steam account back to a nonsteam account. Not only do we have issues with SK servers from time to time, but when steam servers are down can't get on either lol :D
Wed, 07/04/2012 - 20:56

If you use your original site credentials to log in you can still make Wiki edits. I do it all the time on my Dirt account, which is now legacy and cannot post on the forums. You must log out from the main site first, though.
Second question: No. You can't "reverse" a steam account to a normal account.