I am getting the Nitronome and Shivermist Buster, but my current aim is to get Volcanic Demo Suit and Mad Bomber Mask. My sword would be a Combuster or Sudaruska. The question is: I read that Mercurial Demo is the best way to go, but needs trinkets and modules to boost it there. That is not what I want to do, but I am confused about whether I should still get it, as my friends have Shadow Keys and I am getting the Ice Queen Crown. If I also can, I will be getting the Radiant Sun Shards. Should I still go with my current aim?
Mecurial Demo Set, or Otherwise?
Depends on your preferences as a bomber. Nitronome tends to be slapped for its derp animation which messes with people in your party but has the highest damage rate possible if the radius is well packed with enemies to accumulate total damage. It is well rivaled by Radiant Sun which tends to do better against less targets, normally one or two. Some bombs are preferred for different reasons. For example, people like doing damage, so for Vaporizers they tend to go with Agni for most enemies outside Firestorm Citadel. Shivermist works well for Vanaduke while Agni would be essentially useless, but outside the burning castle of zombies Agni tends to be more appealing for offensive utility. For your armor there are too few bombers to identify which is the best of the four Spiral Demo lines, but from what I have seen almost everyone goes with Volcanic or Mad Bomber. Mercurial Demo is usually used as a costume or if the user has a bunch of >+2 charge UVs on their bombs and/or charge buffing Krogmo trinekts. If you want to read some other stuff for your armor check here. In that thread I make equipment tutorials to give a general idea for a few uses from what I have learned but everyone has their own play style and can adapt to whatever.
Voltaic Tempest is also a very good bomb outside of shock-themed map. When you can get a bunch of enemies clustered together it will even out-damage Ash of Agni. Like Voltedge, it gives you a nice balance between the damage power of fire and crowd control of ice.
Dark Briar Barrage is a must for bombers, to deal with fiends, beasts and gremlins. With max CTR (easily achieved by a level 10 bomb and some Mad+Volcanic combinations), you can perpetually keep these soft-bodied foes knocked down, unable to flee or retaliate.
Graviton/Electron lines are great when you have teammates to unleash charged attacks.
you may want to wait on radiant sun shards, as Nick posted about completely changing how the shard bombs work.
Old Shards are quite effective at nuking zombies and decent at taking out Trojans, while the new version we'll have to wait and see - could be ok, could be total crap.
(though there is a bit of pushback in the suggestions forum, a fair number of bombers want RSS to remain the same)
Just acquired the Merc Demo Suit, and I rather like the speed boost and the minor damage buff, but I think the consensus is that prioritizing Charge Time Reduction boosts over damage increase is the way to go - shorter charge time means more bombs dropped, better flexibility, shorter vulnerable periods (as you can't shield while charging a bomb) and as mentioned above, CTR benefits all bombs while Damage boosting is of negligible use for status-inflicting and suction bombs.
Personally I built 2 Elite Bomb Focus Modules so I could max out my CTR with any armor loadout, but I probably would have been ok just with the Volcanic Demo set (the built-in fire resistance is particularly nice in Firestorm Citadel, and there is actually more Elemental and Normal damage in the boss fight than Shadow.)
If you don't want to go the trinket/UV route you don't want Mercurial Bomber. Having at least CTR Ultra is vital for bombing.
Mercurial Demo does not give piercing defence, regular Mercurial which isn't a bomber armour does that.
I own all bomber suits except for bombastic. I've gotta say that at the end-game level, Merc demo is the best. You need to punch good uvs on your bombs (all of mine have CTR Med+) and run the best trinkets - but achieving Max CTR and Max Dam+ with the (small) speed boost are very nice.
Move to Arsenal subforum.
Are those the only 2 bombs you will ever want, or will ever get? Nitronome benefits from both ctr and damage boosts. Shiv only need ctr to be effective, and does not benefit from bonus damage boosts.
Are you saying you want to get merc set for the piercing defence to use against Ice queen? Your loadout of bombs are not going to help you there, unless you are using nitro to block off a passage while your friends clear a side of the room. Or are you just telling the world you want to get an ice queen crown?