I use left mouse button for shield and right mouse button for attack and W,S,A,D for direction.
In lockdown with the hud locked
When my cursor touches something in the hud while locked and I use my shield (Striker) in lockdown I lose control of changing directions with mouse.
Just fought an enemy on the left side of the screen and activated my shield facing left but want to turn right but cannot aim my knight. He just looks left even though my cursor is on the right side of the screen. This causes me to have a less than quick escape at times.
Maybe I'm just old and blind or that I use a pretty big screen 27" 1920x1080 Nothing huge but... I don't really watch the cursor that much when changing directions. In the heat of the battle I like to just throw the mouse left or right without worrying that I might hit something on the edge of the screen and screw me up..
I mean the hud is locked.. could they make it so it doesn't screw you over? Or is this only because I use my mouse1 (Left mouse button) for shield/striker?
Also the screen is so damn full of crap I don't care to see in lockdown.. Could they make the top left of the screen any cleaner? I dont care to see who on my team is alive or dead ALL THE TIME, it just blocks a giant area of view.
I just want to be able to disable the hud completely. Is this worth a suggestion? If so someone smart please make a good suggestion post to fix this ... Maybe put anything useful in very small button on the bottom of the screen. It would be nice to have the sides and top of the screen free of any obstructions of view at the least but a pure clean view of the battle is what I really want. I want to hit 1 key and POOF BE GONE! and then bring it back with 1 more key press.
Same happens with me..I use the same controls.