Why do we have heat amps, krogmo boosters, and of course, the supply depo? We need to get rid of things that are obviously overpriced. Scamming noobs into draining their CE for 3* items, krogmo coins , and heat. Does anyone use these things often?
Whats up with all this crap?
the supply depot eventually offers 5* items. averages about 3500ce each.
I guess you save time with the 5*'s, but the CE you waste is improportional. People should have to make their items. We already have unbinding, this is just a way for you to buy unbound items without sinking crowns into the auction house. Players shouldn't have to compete with the company that makes the game for buisness.
Krogmo Coin boosters are actually quite nice. They aren't terribly expensive and they save a ton of time with binging PvP for tokens.
The only good think is the Shadow Key in my opinion. Yet still, It is so over-priced.
Actually, the coin boosters are pretty bad as far as deals go, because to make back the money needed to buy one of those boosters, you'd have to do about.... I think it was 60-80 games of PVP.
People should have to make their items.
I guess you save time with the 5*'s, but the CE you waste is improportional.
...No kidding. Why even say this? THE HUGE COST OF BUYING THE ITEM IS INCENTIVE ENOUGH! The ONLY thing they could do to make it even BETTER would increase UV chances when crafting. The only thing you save when buying from the depot is time.
"The only thing you save when buying from the depot is time"
mmm... I'm gonna say maybe to that.
It does if you want a jump to 5* instead of crafting through the line. But if you only need to upgrade once, I think getting 800 CE, or even 1200 to get 4* and 5* upgraded in sequence takes less time than grinding for 3500. Materials are easy to get and the CR cost isn't terribly expensive.
OOO has always and probably will always make a profit via player impatience. If you're buying from the supply depo, then you probably have too much CE. If you have too much CE, then you probably used some $$. Thus, it gives them a way to profit off of player impatience without heavily rewarding rich players.
Exactly. It's the exact same principle as Team Fortress 2 selling weapons that you can get for free in-game via crafting or item drops. You're paying for the convenience of getting the item right away. If people are willing to spend the money, that's their choice.
If you play PvP in this game for a profit, you're doing it wrong.
I profit off of PVP just fine. Well, BN. I can get some 3* recipies on days that I craft and come out with extra crowns. I don't play it for that, but K boosters just don't seem nessecary.
The supply depot, at least, should be removed. Not only does this sink CE, but it makes it harder to use the auction house. Heat amps and K boosters are pretty much just for people with long jobs, that don't have the time to play as often, but have the money to buy more. I guess they serve some purpose, but should be removed since noob players think "WHAT A DEAL, I'M GONNA SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON THESE". That's scamming. Other people getting scammed messes up the market and affects my game.
If they're gonna put in complete CE sinks tha don't lower crown price, the game could also use some real crown sinks. With no catch.
All PVP forms have the bribe bar.
People stack up on trinkets in LD, for what, 80 crowns victory money?
UV rolling seems like a great sink, but most triple rolls get unbound.
How many people use the supply depo, anyway? This is slowly veering towards a suggestion, and it isn't one, I really just wanna know if there is any reason not to hate it with passion.
The depot seems more of a cash grab for Three Rings than the means to encourage gameplay. Sure, people will think if they pull a few dollars out of their a- pocket they can save time, but in the long run all it does is reward people who pay their way into higher tiers while everyone else is left in the dust. How does the depot affect you if you never buy the prebuilt equipment?
The trinket and weapon upgrades have been there for a while, but those can apply to anyone willing to use some energy to temporarily unlock an extra slot to equip something. The heat amplifier and Krogmo booster items do not necessarily rub the economy the wrong way, seeing as heat does not have any monetary effect by itself and Krogmo tokens are used to obtain items which are untradable unless you pay to unbind them. The keys are a little risky, pushing the line more towards energy dependency, though the Shadow Lair key is supposed to be expensive; the box/crate ones, however, are very obviously yet another theft from TF2 and/or many many games with a similar cosmetic function. TF2 comes to mind easily with the similar key-crate system. The main difference is in TF2 crates have various kinds of crates, some having more desired contents than others, while the boxes in Spiral Knights only have two variants: iron and mirror, though I question why a box is made of mirrors. What do they keep in there, lasers? Is it supposed to make fun of how self absorbed the people who usually want these are?
Equipment in the depot is definitely a lure for less experienced players to throw money at the game. This leads to less experienced players venturing beyond their ability, then complaining about everything being too difficult and being countered by the community. The less experienced player feels frustrated and is likely to quit the game with the same impatience which led them to buy prebuilt equipment to begin with. This cycle is constant as the depot has a constant supply of equipment to sell to new players willing to dump their wallets out. New player starts, they see what they think is a good deal, they buy it, they try to use it in a difficult area for them, they get beaten horribly, they whine about the game being too hard, community lashes out at them, they quit and the money is wasted, another new player takes their place; this is a vicious cycle. What did they learn from that? Why would they want to come back to this game again, besides that they spent money on it? How does this keep players to enjoy the game? Three Rings has rewarded newcomers while ignoring veterans several times, what stops them from completely ignoring us when they can take advantage of kids with money? We could try to keep them away from the game, but since irresponsible people are as numerous as they are stubborn there is little hope for that.
This sucks.
heat amps can be real nice. just sayin. If you're tired of doing vana runs and the other runs don't really offer enough heat... get the heat amp and i can heat stuff pretty fast with it.
When heat amplifiers were released, people made a stink about them and the devs said they're not for everyone.
Energy? That is for everyone. You can't go wrong buying energy.
Trinket/Weapon slots? CE sink for mid-high level players. They're desired items that need to be refilled.
You have to understand that, especially for the super-expensive items, time is the real currency. If you have a job, one hour worth of your paycheck can get you like 2-3 nights worth of energy doing vana runs. If you buy an elevator pass, you can play as much as you want and enjoy the contents of the Arcade or whatever you want to do. When we had the no-elevator-cost weekend, I jumped into the middle of so many arcade runs and missions, and it was great fun.
Heat Amplifiers? This is for people whose jobs keep them so busy they cannot spend the time to really get down and play to heat up their items. If they're busy enough from work to not have a lot of playtime to heat up all their items but like playing the game, they can afford to spend some money on it. You buy the time so you don't have to spend so much of it to heat up your items.
Supply Depot? Saves you the time to search for recipes, craft, heat, craft, heat... etc.
Krogmo Coin boosters? For people who simply don't want to spend so much time grinding for kcoins. As a funny sidenote, I once calculated that I could make over 120k profit (that is, making up the CE cost) if I played BN for 20 hours with 6kcoin boosters. On my first experiment, I had gotten to the point where I was going to make 90k profit when something came up IRL and I quit playing for half a year :P*
*Those are numbers from back when calibrators were 50kcoins and sold for 12-15k, and BN was so popular that you could easily find a FFA game.
"How does the depot affect you if you never buy the prebuilt equipment?"
It drains CE.
"The heat amplifier and Krogmo booster items do not necessarily rub the economy the wrong way"
They drain CE.
Do you see the relation?
Dancinjen, heat amps are pretty much useless. As I recall I was able to fully heat my salamander ask in three vanna runs with a buddy giving me heat. If you don't have heat with benifits, you aren't doing it right. Just saying.
Seiran I understand what players are expected to use these things for. I'm just saying that they're overpriced and always in CE. I know heat amps are for people with jobs that don't have enough time. So what. Just because someone has less free time, dosen't mean their existance should mess up the CE market. Saying that it's ok to use heat amps because you don't have time is like saying it's ok to do drugs because you don't have enough freinds. Less extreme of course, but same principle.
Supply Depot is for people that want to jump straight to the 5* version of an item instead of getting the recipes and crafting through the line. Yes, it costs 3,500 energy, which is actually LESS then what would go poof if you bought a vanilla one off somebody and they had to unbind it. It drains off a little CE, but not nearly as much as you are thinking due to it very rarely getting used, and still not as much as the unbind to get an item from another player.
Krogmo Coin Boosters and Heat Amps are another couple items that are very rarely used. I have never known anybody to actually purchase a Heat Amp, the ones that I've seen used have all come from the Explorer's Pack back when it was on sale for $3. I don't even see noobs buying them, and that says something.
Krogmo Coin Boosters on the other hand rarely get bought but when they do it is almost always for 1 of 2 reasons. Either the person hates PvP to an extreme (due to just not liking it, living in Australia and having enough latency they can't compete, etc) and just wants to get the coins they want as fast as possible, or they're devoting most of the day to PvPing and are going to get the booster to get even more goods out of it. The only time I have seen a lot of Coin Boosters being used was when PvP was newly released and from people buying the Battle Pack.
In short you're kind of making a big deal out of nothing. The CE drained off by these things is rather small, probably less then new people buying CE and then blowing a chunk of it on energy revives.
A little?! Now I feel dreadfully poor. That's $10 right there. But it does save time... (But I am not using $10 on one piece of armor X_X)
Just a reminder that you can't buy 5*s from the depot until you reach the T3 missions.
Heat amps are incredibly useful! Orangeo, with a heat amp you'd be able to heat that gear in 2 runs, and get a pretty decent chunk into the next gear you want heated. That being said, if you want the full effect, you'll want that mass of unheated items so that you don't end up wasting days of double heat. For what they are, you can't disagree that they are pretty damn effective. With 6 coin boosters (Indeed, you'll want to use as many at once), it becomes possible to get 1k, maybe more coins in a day for the 1.2kce total (if using mist). Which is a fair amount (~$3), but if you're busy or at high enough level that you want to go for some of the other recipes like Triglav or Blight Needle, it isn't an exorbitant amount. Heat Amps I can't say much on since I didn't use my Starter Pack ones until the buff and the rest come from the dirt cheap Explorer Packs that I never needed to buy one to with ce, but, as it's already been said, they aren't for everyone. They aren't too bad to buy with cr if you can find them. Ask some reasonably wealthy-looking player if they have any spare heat amps from the Explorer Packs and offer to buy them off them for about 20-25k each.
Krogmo Coin Boosters are ones I've used once before and I'm glad I did, because I'm really not a big fan of the PvP modes but I wanted to finish my Plague Needle. It was either spend 600 energy on a couple of boosters and the energy for crafting or spend 5000+ energy convincing someone with the recipes to make, unbind and sell to me, where 4000 of that energy would vanish from the game. One of these options was a better choice than the other.
Admittedly though, I've never thought about buying heat amps or prebuilt equipment from the supply depot. I don't even think newbies will be that tempted to buy them from the depot. 800 ce for the cheapest heat amp at a point where the player probably isn't even that concerned with heat levels and will undoubtedly see 800 ce is ridiculously expensive (which, for its effect, it kinda is).
As for the items, it's not until you reach the point of crafting four star equipment that you need levelled equipment. So it's not as if you'd actually save any time buying prebuilt items from the depot for anything before 4 star and by the time 4 star items even appear in the depot I'd imagine players would have a better understanding on the game.
I have used krogmo coin boosters (a full set of 6) on 3 occasions now, if you can devote a day to playing blast its a very effective way to get the majority of Krogmo recipes quickly. I used a full set the day enamorocks were released, so i could sell 1 rock about every 10 minutes, when i started they were going for 10kcr, by the time I gave up it was 2kcr. A very nice profit on those boosters. It my most recent run, I managed to get over 900 tokens in 1 day! I crafted the boosters, in slack times, so could get them for 200ce and then sat of the sets until needed.
"Just a reminder that you can't buy 5*s from the depot until you reach the T3 missions."
First off, what ginger said. You can't jump ahead. It dosen't really save time, what people are gonna do is buy wolver, scrap it then buy dusker, scrap it then buy ash tail, scrap it then get vog. That's 150 + 500 + 1600 + 3500. Compared to normal crafting, where if you use mist it's 0 + 100 + 300 + 700. That's 5750 compared to 1100. Plus you sink crowns too when you craft normaly.
"Yes, it costs 3,500 energy, which is actually LESS then what would go poof if you bought a vanilla one off somebody and they had to unbind it."
Percisely, players have to compete with OOO to sell their items. Wth? Why not just remove unbinding at that point?
"Krogmo Coin Boosters on the other hand rarely get bought but when they do it is almost always for 1 of 2 reasons. Either the person hates PvP to an extreme (due to just not liking it, living in Australia and having enough latency they can't compete, etc) and just wants to get the coins they want as fast as possible" - "Krogmo Coin Boosters are ones I've used once before and I'm glad I did, because I'm really not a big fan of the PvP modes but I wanted to finish my Plague Needle."
Exactaly. Instead of letting people get PvP items faster because they don't like PvPing, OOO should just make better PvP so that more people like it. That way they wouldn't have to just grind through it by spending money. They could have fun and progress at a normal rate. Instead, they took the easy way out and sold K-boosters for CE. OOO took a shourtcut and profited from it.
"I don't even see noobs buying them [heat amps], and that says something. "
You don't see them buying them? I don't either, I'm not gonna stand next to kozma all day long. Even if I did, It's not like I can see what they're buying.
"Orangeo, with a heat amp you'd be able to heat that gear in 2 runs, and get a pretty decent chunk into the next gear you want heated."
Heat amps won't go any faster than feeding heat off a random person. If you get all of one persons heat, you get an extra 100%. Heat amps also give you 100%. It's not hard to find someone who dosen't need their heat. I've had countless runs where there are three people next to me standing on spikes and fire as I heal and rez them.
Whats worse is when noobs have these things, and wait for their allies to die so that they get the most of their booster. This can end up getting you all killed, and then you have to sink even more energy to get up.
If you feed off another person while using a heat amp you get an extra 300%, 700% if you feed off 3. I don't even see how you can possibly find an argument that heat amps aren't convenient.
Also, absolutely no one would prefer better PvP over well-made, competent new content. PvP is nice, but it doesn't deserve much of the devs' time and resources.
"If you feed off another person while using a heat amp you get an extra 300%, 700% if you feed off 3. I don't even see how you can possibly find an argument that heat amps aren't convenient."
Sigh, that IS the other half of my argument. People wait for their teamates to die so they get as much heat out of their heat amp as possible. This leads to you all dying and sinking more CE to get back up.
"Also, absolutely no one would prefer better PvP over well-made"
You perfer under well-made? Raise your expectations for gods sake.
" PvP is nice, but it doesn't deserve much of the devs' time and resources."
Exactaly. It dosen't require much of the devs time or resources. All they would have to do is read perhaps three PvP threads in the suggestions and act upon them. I can do it, why not them? You people act like making video games is some impossible challange that only godly people can do with years of time and expirence. I design machinery parts on CAD sofware, and still have time to work out, talk to freinds, play SK, and argue on the fourms.
The premade 5* stuff might be worth 3500 ce (really? expensive 0_0)
But OOO shouldn't try to scam newbies on premade 3* stuff.
In fact, premade 2* (and maybe 3*) should be worth less than just crafting them because they won't get UVs.
If you're going to quote me, at least have the decency to use the full sentence. It was a comma between coordinating adjectives, not a comma combining two clauses. Friggin English grammar.
Yeah, Orangeo, you didn't really understand what he was saying there.
While I think it would be nice if the items in the Supply Depot were available with crowns rather than CE, it's not really a very big drain on the economy, and new players aren't being scammed by it.
Besides, the usables are all pretty useful in my opinion.
I feel sorry for the newbies who think it's a good idea to buy stuff from the Supply Depot and I feel very sorry for the people who used to make profit off of selling 5star stuff. It takes much more CE to unbind it (plus crafting it) than it does to buy the same piece from the depot. Can someone tell me why unbinding fees are so darn high, especially for the 4 and 5star items that need to be unbound in order to be sold?
These arguments are silly. The OP is acting like new players have no free will or something. It's not like the supply depot is forcing you to buy their junk... If a new player is willing to bust out their wallet at the first open window they see and start blindly using real money to buy stuff that they have no idea what it is or how it works, then they have much larger problems than anything spiral knights can put them through, just sayin...
I agree in general that some of the items in the depot are simply not worth it... at least for me. The key words are "for me". That is about as far as my jurisdiction goes. It is none of my business what other players are doing with their money or crowns.
I find it annoying how players of various games whine about the company that makes the game. This game is F2P, so I'm pretty sure you have nothing to complain about. Three Rings is obviously doing a great job, since we're all here playing their game and talking about it, etc.
"These arguments are silly. The OP is acting like new players have no free will or something. "
They have free will, they just don't understand what value things have. I'm sure thet if OOO put in a tutorial explaining why you should never ever buy things from the supply depo, the price of CE would go down, but that's not gonna happen.
"If you're going to quote me, at least have the decency to use the full sentence. It was a comma between coordinating adjectives, not a comma combining two clauses. Friggin English grammar."
Oh no, I accidentaly misquoted someone on the internet. What ever could possibly happen. Hellfire, perhaps?
"Three Rings is obviously doing a great job, since we're all here playing their game and talking about it, etc."
Yes, and W Bush did a great job because people talked about him. For the record, I did quit on the one year anaversery, and only came back because the other game I was playing couldn't fix a certain bug.
The fact is that OOO has put all of these things in to make the game harder for free players. Try to tell me I'm wrong. Most people who do end up just insulting my grammar instead. *wink*wink*. PVP is supposed to be a crown sink, but it sinks CE instead when you buy K boosters. You don't see CE sinks that also end up sinking crowns. K boosters are targeted at people who don't even like PvP enough to play it that much. OOO has been able to make the game more expensive instead of making it more fun.
And since I have spare time, I'll do duke the favor of adressing his full sentance;
"Also, absolutely no one would prefer better PvP over well-made, competent new content."
We can have both. What is this competent new content you speak of anyway? They copy pasted the boss dungeons and threw in some turrets and an extra status. Then they made the lame DLC seerus missions. The only fun PvE thing they've added recently is LOA, but that offers absolutely no new gear for free players.
OP makes a good point. The target audience of items such as heat amps, supply depot weapons, k boosters, etc. is obviously new players that aren't familiar with the mild amount of budgeting required to "make it" in the game. If these things were made into crown sinks, it would benefit the game greatly (Moar growth+development). Unfortunately, OOO wants money in the short run as opposed to a better game in the long run.
I personally think that this is kind of a vestigial feature from a time when energy was common and the game was growing rapidly near release- it made sense for OOO to bring the price of energy up a bit then, and to provide incentive to people to buy energy via the cash shop. Now however, such features have finally all checked out (prices reached where they needed to be for stability, and kept going due to the unbalance)… what OOO should have done and can still do, is put growth before direct profits as often as possible.
Heat Amplifiers/Krogmo Coin Boosters:
This has already been discussed at the time of the release and as you can see nothing has really changed since then. Nick specifically stated that the items are luxury items, and would only be purchased if you want to speed your progress up. You can't say that they're responsible for the rise of the CE prices because you don't have the data to make that call and the same goes for the other side if the argument. Judging from how poorly Heat Amplifiers sell, it's safe to say that they are in very low demand.
These don't have that high of a drain on the CE market because CE prices did not change drastically when they were first released.
Supply Depot:
Someone who is new to the game isn't just going to buy every star gear from the Supply Depot as they earn the CE because by the time they get to even 3* they will know there are better ways to get equipment such as boss tokens and crafting. Like others have said in the thread, the Supply Depot is for people who can't wait for their items to be heated which effects their efficiency in the higher tiers due to lack of experience.
If you think this is pushing the limits of free players then you're mistaken because I've seen much worse business models for free players and nothing is done to them so I'd be glad I have this system. The rise in CE can only be pinpointed if you saw what specific updates or changes did to the market during their release date which was the release of repeatable boss missions(KoA in particular). Most people especially free players play games as optimizers and that's one of the major contributors to rising CE prices.
"I personally think that this is kind of a vestigial feature from a time when energy was common and the game was growing rapidly near release- it made sense for OOO to bring the price of energy up a bit then, and to provide incentive to people to buy energy via the cash shop."
I'll agree to that Fez. Before I left the game, I was generaly a OOO suppourter, I recall being called a "GM preist" once as an insult. Though I did make condescending threads about not having PvP, and shortly after about how bomberman wasn't the right PvP to release. Not that I dislike bomberman, it just dosen't give you the happy feeling of smashing a toothpick into your freinds face.
"Someone who is new to the game isn't just going to buy every star gear from the Supply Depot as they earn the CE because by the time they get to even 3* they will know there are better ways to get equipment such as boss tokens and crafting. Like others have said in the thread, the Supply Depot is for people who can't wait for their items to be heated which effects their efficiency in the higher tiers due to lack of experience."
Are you sure? OOO must disagree, why else would they sell 5* equipment in the supply depot in the first place?
The fact is is that's untrue, I know this because I did it in a way. When I first bought CE, I quickly sold it and bought a jelly helm, skelly armor, and a owlite shield. I quickly realized that shield defense wasn't put on your armor, scrapped the set and bought angelic helm/drake scale mail. Imagine if I coulda had that blunder, but burned the CE completly instead of selling it to someone else.
"If you think this is pushing the limits of free players then you're mistaken because I've seen much worse business models for free players and nothing is done to them so I'd be glad I have this system."
I'm thankful for what I have, but that dosen't mean I'm not going to ask as for much as I can when I'm negociating with a salesman. OOO is a salesman, just like a car salesman, and you people are paying sticker price.
"The rise in CE can only be pinpointed if you saw what specific updates or changes did to the market during their release date which was the release of repeatable boss missions"
I'm not pinpointing it, in fact I'm being pretty broad about what's messing up CE. The things that raise the CE price are CE sinks.
My issue with the depot is that it costs less energy to get a 5* of it than it does to make and unbind a 5* item.
A fair point autofire. The problem is that if they raise it so that players don't have to compete with it, then it drives up the price of CE, making it too hard to craft and unbind items, so players can't compete with it. There is no possible way for them to make the supply depo not cause problems for people who sell 4 and 5* items, and therefore it should be removed.
All problems of this nature could be solved by the phrase "think before you buy."
I'm sure (stupid) people buy crap all the time without doing any research. That's what the depot is there for. If you got burned by it,
let that be a lesson to you to never buy stuff without first at least knowing what it is you are buying.
I think you're fussing over small things too much. I'll admit, what you say about the Supply Depo draining CE is somewhat true... its only a small part of the economy.
The vast majority of the CE market is held up by people who spend about $50 a week, and then sell it all for crowns (probably to Punch Roll or something). Complaining about the Supply Depo being the cause of the high CE price is like complaining about how there is a fly on your dinner of rotten meat and spoiled fruits.
EDIT** Also, by the looks of it, you know perfectly well the purpose of the Supply Depo. Which begs the question, what did you intend to get out of this thread?
I happen to Like the Heat Amps personally, as I'm currently trying my hardest to upgrade my Gun, 2 Bombs, 2 Shields, AND a Helm to their 5*. They may be level 5+(exept 1 bomb is Level 2), yes, but the point remains: It's much less of a time waster if I just Buy a Heat amp (7 day one because I'm not too patent to do just 2 days...And I was using the rest of my CE, as I need just under 3500 to alchemize them.) and start grinding quick missions, while also upgrading my rank so I can do ones that give mad Heat, so I don't really need amp for them.
The gear though? It's too pricey, I'd rather grind missions than shell out 10 Bucks, I'll admit.
+1 for them is say.
-1 for removing them. If i am going to play, i choose to be gaining extra heat.
" If you got burned by it, let that be a lesson to you to never buy stuff without first at least knowing what it is you are buying."
People don't put money into a game to be taught a lesson. If anyone wanted that they'd go buy a leapfrog. Is it wrong of me to expect OOO to do better than them?
"I think you're fussing over small things too much."
I do that sometimes. It's much more harmful to the economy than you seem think though, in my opinion.
"The vast majority of the CE market is held up by people who spend about $50 a week, and then sell it all for crowns " "Complaining about the Supply Depo being the cause of the high CE price is like complaining about how there is a fly on your dinner of rotten meat and spoiled fruits."
Exactaly, but new paying players potentialy spend it on the supply depo instead. This means we have to wait for them to get around T2 before they understand thet they should just sell it or craft with it. To be honest, the whole "CE problem" isn't that bad. It just means everything takes longer to do. I put up with it, but you shouldn't have to "put up with" something that is supposed to entertain you.
"Also, by the looks of it, you know perfectly well the purpose of the Supply Depo. Which begs the question, what did you intend to get out of this thread?"
I understand why OOO put it in there, the original post was supposed to be somewhat sarcastic, since it's an obvious money grab that hurts the most and helps the few.
"+1 for them is say."
In the very least, krogmo boosters should be for crowns, to make sure that PVP is still a crown sink.
I shall NEVER EVER use the supply depot unless buying trinket slots and wep upgrades.