Hmm, I would also preferably trade in Voltech. I might consider CE as well. All negotiable. Willing to hear offers.
WTT your alchemer(not shadowtech or prismatech) w/ ASI or CTR very high for my autogun ASI very high orWTS autogun ASI very high
I dont think an asi autogun is worth an asi alchemer, jus saying
Well it seems with CE prices going up, so did the gear prices(well actually not really, it seems to still vary by seller in the similar ranges throughout the months still regardless of the trade market). The least I've seen it for was from Mbscp for 6kce; and at the same time alchemers with ASI high has gone up near that price(I got an Umbra driver with ASI very high for 7kce and chose it over a Voltech Alchemer for a little more since it has the same UV plus CTR low). Then the average price I've seen autogun go up for is 8kce. It's purpose would be great if you solo Vana and want to finish it quick and if you want an alternative. Or if your teammates happen to bail on you and you don't want to waste your mist or CE to start over with a new team. I won't really consider a trade. Probably shouldn't cause people psychologically will want it for less than what I've stated for a CE price now I'm guessing. But I know this is a collector's item and it won't go for a cheap price. But like I have mentioned, it is negotiable and I'm willing to add more, but not a whole lot, because I could've just asked for CE and probably use it to find a seller for either a Pulsar ASI high or Voltech if I waited around.
I am willing to talk CE prices with Fang of Vog with Slime High and Construct Medium if anyone wants to as well.
Can also be turned into an Volcanic Pepperbox. Scratch what I said about the average CE price. That could be the high end, you can do a search for people like businesslady along with Glacius CTR VH, but there were others aroudn that time I'm sure.
but the Autogun ASI VH, while nice, is definitely not worth a trade for either of the items you want. It's worth, as you said, no more than 8k CE (if that), whereas ASI or CTR VH Alchemers are worth more like 15k CE.
I would like to trade with Pulsar High as another alternative too. Please pm or email me about it so we can go over it. Same name is Ranzoh.