Is anyone else noticing this? The price keeps dropping a little under 3900 and then magically there are several bids in the course of about 5 minutes each 25-50 crowns over the going rate until it's back up to 4000 or more, and then an hour later it's back down under 3900. I'm wondering if this is against the ToS or considered a punishable offense by three rings. About a week ago someone was posting like a hundred bids at a time around 100 crowns over the going rate but attempts that were that obvious stopped so I'm guessing they either got warned by a GM or just decided it'd be better to be more subtle.
To preempt the whining, I don't care at all about what price energy is as long as that's where the market naturally stabilizes itself, if someone doesn't want to sell their energy under 4000 that's fine by me, but effectively blocking people from paying the price that the market has stabilized at for an hour or two is childish and frankly ought to be against the rules.
More crowns = More market power
If someone can do it, someone WILL do it. It's the essence of the free economy.