Since I was too lazy, I started a new Forum post. Not
only that I was lazy, I want answers from experienced players.
I want to do SL soon, so I want to start with Snarby.
I heard poison status resist was recommended so I might
use trinkets (should I, or not?). I also heard Shadow, Piercing,
and Normal protection is also useful in SL too.
Right now, I have this armor set prepared.
-Divine Veil (is the Elemental Protection bad?)
-Skolver Coat
-Ash Tail Coat (To craft Snarby Coat)
-Barbarous Thorn Shield (Good?)
-Grey Owlite Shield (Not as good as BTS, right?)
-Barbarous Thorn Blade
-Divine Avenger
-Leviathan Blade
-Fang of Vog (Not recommended?)
-Gran Faust
-Blitz Needle
-Shivermist Buster
What combos of this Set do you think is the best? Of course, I
always have time to craft. Highly Recommended, or if you want
me to craft something, I'll probably think about it.
Also, Can you give me tips about the Shadow Lair Snarby?
-How hard is it?
-Should me and my party stick together?
-Tips about the levels leaing up to Snarby?
-Tips of battling the boss?
-Tips of the Unknown Passage?
-Armor Sets?
I hope you guys/gals can help me!
That is really obnoxious
spacing. Why are you doing
Seerusly now:
IIRC, the only sources of elemental damage in UGWW (Ultimate Gleaming Wildwoods) are a few Lumbers scattered around. Your divine ain't gonna do much for you in there, the Shadow defense is nice, but the only source of pure Shadow damage is Howlitzers. You will find a lot of Normal and Piercing damage, but the main threat is the Shadow and Poison. Poison stops your healing, so if you're letting a lot of damage in with Divine Veil, you'll have to wait a while to get the chance to get it back. Also, the only Fiends are a couple of Silkwings, hardly a threat worth the damage bonus.
I don't see why you wouldn't use Trinkets, personally. If you have 'em, use 'em. Skolver is good enough. GOS won't be protecting you from much, and it'll break quickly. BTS does a good enough job protecting from the Beasts, and also give that always nice damage bonus. You will want to bring BTB, DA, and Blitz. Co-ordinate with your team and see who'll do the Shiver. If you, obviously bring Shiver. If not, Leviathan Blade I guess would be nice in clusters.
UGWW will be the hardest thing you've faced before, but it won't be terribly difficult if you just tread slowly and carefully. It's been a long time since I ran UGWW, so I can't give you details about specific tactics on certain rooms, etc., but I can give you some general advice. Stick to your party so don't get overwhelmed when you're alone. The boss itself is two Rabid Snarbolaxes with a respawning Silkwing. Assign someone with keeping the Swarm Seed at bay with Blitz or whatever, and try to use a Blitz charge when (or if) you manage to stun one or both of them with the Beast Bell. For the Unknown Passage, save up some Almirian Seals and pick up an Ancient Plate Shield. That thing will tank just about everything thrown at you, but don't get too cocky or it'll break. After the first room, take the right path and RUN! Ignore anyone who dies behind you, just focus on getting to the end and then revive them at the party button or the last room. The last room is an free-for-all, and you have to kill a certain amount of mobs before all the gates drop. Do not let the Swarm Turrets touch you, they hit like a truck.
For the rest of my advice, just mostly try not to me stupid and don't play the hero. You are in a team, fight as a team.