What are the pros an cons and which do u guys prefer more.
Faust Series VS. Nightblade Series
lets think in terms of effectiveness lol

I disagree if you use Faust you're not a noob
if you use Nightblade, you're probably a noob.
Honestly I don't know much about the Nightblade Series but I know Faust is highly regarded as a great sword, slightly difficult to acquire and its damage output and ability to curse is a big plus.
Faust swings like a Troika, and has the ability to curse enemies on regular swings. Also has a high ability to curse the user when using a charge attack-- meaning the charge attack is pretty much useless. High frontal arc, high damage output, high recovery time and vulnerability.
Nightblade series does shadow damage, but does not curse like Faust does. It's charge attack does not curse either (unlike other brandish lines, where their charge attacks inflict relative status effects) but is actually viable to use if you want. It doesn't hit as many targets as it leads you believe however, and takes some getting used to. High Attack Speed, Medium High Damage output, Low recovery time and vulnerability.
It's really up to you, at that point. If you want the chance to curse, and don't mind swinging a slow weapon where you can't safely use your charge attack, by all means get Faust line. If you just want plain, good ol shadow damage, that is a bit easier to use and a bit more forgiving, go with Nightblade Series.
altho i always thought big swords were more defensive oriented bc they knock back. as long as u do 1 swing guard u can pretty much stay unharmed and aoe knock everything. as opposed to the short swords that dont knock back.
I'd always thought that Faust would combo well with some sort of strong curse-prevention armor. Seems like if you could get the curse time down far enough, it wouldn't be that much of a hassle - particularly since the faust charge attack is ranged, and curses don't in any way prevent you from shielding. Is this not the case?
Faust has a wider range of attack also the curse problem on it doesn't really matter especially if ur have curse resistance.
For me it only curse's one of my weps plus 1-2 of my vials. if it curses me I still have 3 other weapons 2 pick from so its not a problem.
TBH the only upside to the nightblade series is that its a faster weapon still a good weapon regardless
Basically the others have covered it all. But to put it to bed, here's the complete list:
The faust is a faster troika series of sword. It swings twice, has a large reach (roughly 200 degrees at a long reach), and does a lot of damage per swing. It also has a low chance of cursing enemies when you do casual swings. This chance to curse seems to drastically increase while using the charged attack, but you may also curse yourself in the process at that point.
The nightblade is, of course, a brandish set which is a fair bit weaker per swing (though at equivalent star ratings, it would appear it does equal damage?), has three swings to its combo, and has a rather narrow area of effect. The Nightblade will not curse with normal swings. There is also some confusion as to whether charging it up will curse enemies as well, but this will not curse you at any rate.
In the end I favour the faust because of its reach, damage, and the charge attack which has a long range.
Gran Faust is better in every way.
I block much quicker since I switched over to Acheron. And I'm finally glad to see the attack speed bonus on the Vogs being put to better use. I hardly felt the bonus with the Faust.
Honestly, in what instance would you NEED to curse an enemy? I never relied on Faust for it curse-ibility.
Magnus could u elaborate
or at least gran isn't, I'd assume both, but anyway: before I've swung grans charge attack 30+ times just to test it, and I was only cursed a mere 3 out of 30 times, 1/10th of the time! personally I enjoy my gran, but it's good to have a 2ndary weapon that can back it up
Though it's a bit lame to use antigua series with it since they're both from token vendor, thus practically a set, I find using those two can be good, when you need small damage delt out fast, your antigua series will be their to help, while when you don't need speed, faust, however, really any second weapon of any type *though bombs can be troublesome with faust for the most part due to slow too* will support it well enough.
*edit* oh yeah, and the range, as someone said is good, good enough to break a bomb with it and not get hit.
If you use a Faust, your a noob.
If you use a Nightblade, your not a noob.
That is a fact!