where can i find the recipe for Spiral Demo Suit and Spiral Demo Helm because it says Vatel but he doesn't have it and so how do i get it?
Spiral Demo Suit and Spiral Demo Helm
Don't bother with recipes for 0-3* items unless you want to craft them for other people. Just gather the mats and find someone to craft the items for you. It's much easier and cheaper that way.
Always tip your crafter.
Never ever hire someone to craft for you. You just open yourself up to scams.
If you own the recipe yourself, you can craft it as many times as you want, which gives you the opportunity to look for unique variants. There is also no risk of getting scammed.
If you find someone else who has the recipe and give them your materials, energy, and crowns, you run the risk of them taking off with your stuff and leaving you with nothing. The GMs will ban scammers, but they can't always recover your items. Furthermore, even a crafter who gives you the promised item may first screen it for a unique variant, keeping anything special that he likes and making another, plain one for you.
Yes, there are a few honest "crafters" out there, but it's not worth the risk. The recipes for the Spiral Demo items are only 1K each. You can find them from Basil in level 4 and 13.
Alternatively, you can buy the items premade from players. This way you don't run the risk of getting scammed, because in one trade you give them crowns and they give you the item. You'll tend to get a great price on 2* gear this way, but you'll generally get the item without a unique variant.
I like getting the recipes for myself. I got some fire resist UV on my Demo armor that way and it's been nice to play with.
"Furthermore, even a crafter who gives you the promised item may first screen it for a unique variant, keeping anything special that he likes and making another, plain one for you."
I honestly find this to be somewhat of a grey area-- why should the crafter be obligated to give the purchaser something that may fetch several tens of thousand of dollars when the customer (essentially) only paid the basic fee + crafting tip? I don't think there's anything wrong with a crafter "screening" for good UV's (unless, of course, it *was* agreed upon prior).
That said, Icee makes a lot of really valid points. It really is better to just buy the stuff sequentially and craft it for yourself. Really.
I believe the answer to your question is "Vatel stocks a random set of recipes each day and they reset at midnight, so check every day and eventually you will find it. Alternatively you can ask trade channel or your guild for somebody who might have one." But all the other advice was great too!
Icee: I'm sorry you've been scammed, but spreading FUD helps no one. It's never happened to me and I doubt it ever will. To say that honest crafters are in the minority is completely ridiculous. In any case, none of this applies to items above 3* so you aren't risking much.
There's nothing remotely wrong with crafters keeping UVs for themselves, as long as they do give you the item you paid for. You can always offer to pay fair market price for a good UV if it pops up, assuming you have a couple thousand CE to spend. Crafters will usually just give you the item if the UV isn't great.
New players should not buy recipes. Early on, 1k crowns is significant and UVs are not.
Pretty much everything OnMy said.
Also-- I've found most people in this game to be pretty helpful. In truth, the community is pretty great; probably one of the best I've seen in an online game.
You think that 1K crowns for a recipe is significant for an item that costs 400 crowns, 50 energy, plus materials to craft and recommend against buying recipes in the same post in which you admit that the crafter won't turn over a valuable UV and that a UV may be worth thousands of CE. You're lying through your teeth and showing it clearly in your own cost analysis. If a UV may add thousands of CE (nearly 100K crowns) in value, and the chance at the UV only costs an extra 1K crowns, of course it makes sense to buy the recipe! You just want free shots at UVs from unsuspecting "customers" who pay you ("tip") for the "service" of giving you a free chance at a very valuable item in exchange for an item they could buy premade for half what it costs to get from you.
I've never been scammed because I'm not an idiot and I've never had anyone craft for me. I've watched people get scammed, though, and I've seen people attempt scams (like the guy wearing a wolver coat who was offering to craft an Ash tail coat for 100 energy when the recipe itself requires 200 energy). Not all attempted scams are obvious and lots of people have ended up out a lot of materials and energy because they trusted a stranger. Even the "honest" crafters, by your own admission, will keep good UVs for themselves despite the fact that they were crafted for another person with that person's resources. So even the "honest" price is exorbitant compared to buying your own recipe and making the item yourself.
In summary: The best thing, long-term, is to own your own recipe so you can get a UV. If you can't afford your own recipe or don't want to lay out the 1K crowns right now, it's far more economical to buy premade items than to pay someone to craft the item. You can get a premade demo helm or suit for 3K crowns (heck, I'll sell you one for that) and risk nothing. Crafting the item costs 400 crowns plus 50 energy, or about 2400 crowns, plus materials. Add in "tip" and it never makes sense to pay someone to craft for you. Buy a recipe or buy premade.
Suppose I'm a new player and I want a certain 2* item. The difference between buying the recipe and having it made by someone who already has the recipe is 1k crowns; all other costs are the same. If I have the item crafted by someone else and later decide to buy the recipe, I'm only out the cost of the tip, which I personally place at 100 crowns for a 2* item. If I buy the recipe, make the item myself, and never make another, I'm out 1000 crowns. That's 25-30% of a new player's returns for one day's play.
It's true that there's a remote chance that a new player who chooses to buy the recipe will get a nice UV, but my argument is that this chance is so low as to be irrelevant. Consider the chance that a crafter will make the item, get the UV, and give you the item anyway. Subtract the second chance from the first, and that is the relevancy of UVs for a new player.
I'm not even going to address the rest of that nonsense.
There's a 10% chance of UV, and any UV is worth something, even if it doesn't boost resale value much. If you get a good one, it boosts the value a lot, so there is a compelling reason to craft for yourself. Also, unless you get a good UV, there is a good reason to craft more down the road, so that 1K recipe can be put to a lot of use. I've personally made 6 demo helms looking for a UV so far. I got luckier on the armor with the second one having a UV of fire resist.
Also, since paying someone to craft for you nets you the exact same thing as buying the item premade, the only thing you gain by paying someone to craft is the risk of getting scammed. Buying premade is safer and even cheaper than pay-for-crafting. Some 2* items can be had for as little as 2K crowns premade now, which is less than the energy+crown cost of crafting even without a tip and you can get almost any premade 2* item for 3500 crowns or less with absolutely no risk of getting scammed.
If you are hired to perform a service, and part of that service is that it has a chance of creating a UV item, part of the value of that service is that chance of UV. Screening for UVs without reducing the price accordingly or stating that you are doing so is not honest business. You're scamming people out of their chance of UV, whether you think it's important to a new player or not. Premade non-UV 2* items often sell for more than 1k under total crafting costs, so you're robbing them more than the 1k recipe cost you save them. If you want to sell premade items, sell premade items.
Icee: "There's a 10% chance of UV"
Where did you get this number?
"If you get a good one, it boosts the value a lot"
That's true, but you probably won't get a good one. You're likely to get the wrong damage vs. enemy UV for the weapon's damage type, or something disastrous like attack speed on a bomb. You're very likely to get a Low ability rating, which is completely insignificant. So that's a low chance to get a good UV, multiplied by the chance of getting a UV in the first place, giving you a very low probability of any of this mattering.
"paying someone to craft for you nets you the exact same thing as buying the item premade"
Not if the player is providing most or all of the mats for the item. Having a 2* item crafted should cost around 2500 crowns with tip. That's 1000 crowns less than you mentioned for 2* premades, which is the same amount you say that players should spend on a recipe.
Trouserman: "If you are hired to perform a service, and part of that service is that it has a chance of creating a UV item, part of the value of that service is that chance of UV."
That's true, if the UV is part of the service, but it isn't. The implicit agreement is that you're paying for an item without a UV. If you care so much about this, mention to your crafter that you'd like any UV that's generated. They may charge a fee.
You got it backwards. The implicit agreement is that you will turn over UVs.
It's not explicit, because you don't say outright that you will turn over a UV, but it is implicit. If you say "I will craft this item for you and give it to you," you imply that you will make an item and turn that item that you just made over to the buyer. This implies that any UVs would be given to the buyer.
If you want to sell an item without a UV, either advertize it as premade (which it probably is anyway, claims of crafting aside), or tell the buyer that you won't turn over a UV item.
"It's not explicit, because you don't say outright that you will turn over a UV, but it is implicit. If you say "I will craft this item for you and give it to you," you imply that you will make an item and turn that item that you just made over to the buyer. This implies that any UVs would be given to the buyer."
I think you're projecting your personal desires at this point.
If someone gives me materials to craft an item, the basic understanding is "Here is the equation-- please complete the formula." I.E: If someone gives me 3 light shards and 2 gel drops, along with the requisite energy and crowns, I will be giving them a Haze Bomb.
If, on the extremely small chance I manage to produce a Charge Time reduction UV, I will, no question, craft another Bomb and give it to them.
This is the benefit of being the crafter in the exchange. Tips are often a pittance for the service provided.
If you want a UV, buy the recipe and craft it yourself.
If you *insist* on not buying the recipe and STILL want someone to turn lead to gold for you, you had better make sure you have an exacting agreement with your crafter that they relinquish any UV they obtain, and the tip should be reflectively higher prior to the crafting, if so.
"I think you're projecting your personal desires at this point." I am in agreement with Icee on this point. I have done a lot more crafting for other people than I have had other people craft for me, and I always turn over UVs at no additional charge. I could have kept some really nice ones out of greedy self-interest, but I believe the UV chance is included in the cost of crafting. The recipe is 3 light shards, 2 gel drops, 200 crowns, and 10 energy yields a haze bomb with a chance of UV. If you do not deliver the chance of UV, you are not delivering on the formula. Perhaps screening for a chance UV is a fair benefit to the crafter for the service, perhaps not. Reasonable people may differ. You should be aware that some of your customers do expect that the cost includes them having a shot at the UV, and if you do not disclose your screening to them, you are not giving them the service they agreed to pay for.
While I can see your logic, I think we will have to agree to disagree.
Just some simple food for thought/argumentation:
There's nothing inherently wrong with being greedy-- economy is driven by it. Your charity is commendable, and perhaps you're a greater man than I (in this pixelated world), but I would say that your way breeds entitlement.
"If you do not deliver the chance of UV, you are not delivering on the formula."
That's right, I'm not. Because *I'm* the one with the working formula, as *I* am the one who made the financial investment; that is, as I explained earlier, my reward for both the undertaking of the craft and the investment of the recipe.
You are very correct in that reasonable (as well as unreasonable) people may have differing viewpoints. I would say say that the in-between in when, if someone wants to claim a UV regardless of the proc/type, they should compensate you for that possibility accordingly, prior to the actual crafting. Not unlike playing the lottery.
That said and done, if the crafter were to *then* keep a really nice UV, there's really no justification of the pocketing of the UV.
I suppose we just have a difference of opinion on the "default service" in crafting.
If the crafter asks for a fee, the customer gets to keep any UVs.
If the crafter is doing it for mats only and no crafter fee, customer is only entitled to a plain item.
That's my opinion.
It's always been my policy to surrender UV's, craft entirely at cost, and hope for tips.
Most people do not tip. The few that do, do not tip generously- sometimes just a 100 credits or something. One time I crafted a bomb for someone. It got High charge time reduction. I duly handed it over to him, and the guy tipped me 10ce (which back then was a little less then 400cr), and said "that was worth a tip", like HE was some kind of generous bigshot.
So yeah, although I currently still craft on a "you gets what I makes, UV or not" basis, I no longer judge people who keep UV's. Just so long as you are totally clear with the customer what you are doing, it's all good.
Any rule that a violation of which can only be detected via a confession, is a bad rule.
Therefore, when I have someone craft something for me, I expect to get the item, not an item with a UV. If I wanted an item with a UV, I would buy a premade.
Well I craft regular items. I never said anything about crafting UV variants.
Crafting an "item" obviously requires crafting items till theres a NOT "UV item" cause that's just me failing at crafting. But I usually offer people their failed version when I don't need em anyway (read: UV low calis), though if they insisted I'd craft em another one that should satisfy the discussed requirements.
Protip: rather than spending materials and 3k crowns on CE+fee, you are better off just buying the thing for 2k
edit: I can see where you come from though, with some people advertizing "chance of UV" without giving any kind of security; and I don't actually craft stuff for others anymore...
Each of the tiers has a recipe vendor (Basil) halfway through (T1@depth 4, T2@depth 13, T3@depth 23)
There's usually not much interesting at the depth 4 recipe vendor. You'll want to practice and level your gear to the point where you can get to depth 13. Each time you reach that level, the vendor will have a random set of recipes. You may have to visit him several times before you find what you want/need.