I recently made Drake Scale Mail. Drake Scale Mail gives piercing and elemental defense. It added a unique variant to it when I made it. It gave Increased Normal Defense: Ultra. However when I equipped it the armor didn't seem to give me any normal defense (or at least any noticeable increase). I asked and someone said that it's a percent and since it gives 0 normal defense that even with the unique buff it would still be 0. However that seems like it would be incorrect because then my buff would be useless. But I don't know. Maybe it is like that. Which is why I'm asking if anyone knows for sure. If it works like that I'll cry myself to sleep because a normal defense buff would work great with a piercing/elemental armor.
Question regarding armor buffs
Fri, 11/26/2010 - 19:54
Legacy Username
Fri, 11/26/2010 - 20:53
Legacy Username
Sorry but one quick question.
Sorry but one quick question. Does the buff show up in the stat window or is it "hidden". Like if my normal defense was 20 and I put it on would that value change to like 30 or something in my character window or still show 20?
Fri, 11/26/2010 - 22:02
Legacy Username
It shows up. It also shows up
It shows up. It also shows up in the bars at the top of the armour's info panel.
Fri, 11/26/2010 - 22:17
Legacy Username
It's not showing and bars for
It's not showing any bars for normal defense on my Drake Scale Mail. Just Piercing and Elemental. Should I bug report it?
Sat, 11/27/2010 - 03:32
Legacy Username
As Nick said, your item will
As Nick said, your item will be readjusted. Just be patient.
Defense type bonuses are not percentages, but an actual bump in defense of that type. What you got was very lucky, however since rebalancing item stats, some unique variants need to be readjusted to catch up with how stats changed. In time, you should have a great item on your hands. Thanks for your patience.