How come no one ever cuts grass? Everytime I play with someone they ignore grass. I just played with someone that rushed through everything. He didn't kill some monsters ignored the energy door. He just took the key and ran without killing anything. I cut all the grass, killed everything. and went through the energy door. They were waiting on the boss button while I was doing the energy door and they were like wtf. They kept calling me a noob and were like what's wrong with you.
>I sometimes skip the grass (Not the smartest move, I know)
>Energy doors are optional and I usually choose not to do them because they start to add up and arent really worth it.
>The not killing monsters part is strange though.
Some people choose to do speed runs, which means killing as little as possible, but its not the best idea to do a speed run in a random party, because the other people will slow you down
I usually bust open the boxes with a Driver or Supernova before I decide to open the door.
Elevator pass ----> Free Prestige
(When not killing anything)
If you have an elevator pass, then payout is measured in terms of crowns per unit time. If you don't have an elevator pass, then payout is measured in terms of crowns per energy spent. This can definitely drive different playstyles, as players with an elevator pass may flat out ignore lamps, bushes, or enemies that are inconvenient to reach.
This can be very frustrating, of course. My advice is to get to know your partymates in the mission lobby. Coordinate what weapons you're bringing, but also figure out if anyone has unusual goals or expectations, or needs to leave partway through. If the people with you aren't talking, find a good guild of likeminded adventurers, and have at those clockworks!
That said, I've definitely encountered speedrunners who are jerks when crossed. Common FSC breaches of etiquette include wasting health pills that may be needed by others, breaking open trojans or heart boxes too early, demanding that everyone solo a corner of the level, and lounging on a party button while criticizing the "noobs" who are busy fighting monsters. To those speedrunners: if your partymates aren't running to join you, find where they are and help them finish their appointed tasks. It's more productive, and communication goes both ways.
Wolver dens - I do not enter wolver dens to kill beasts. I go there to cut grass and bushes.
I spam max CTR Dark Briar Barrage to clear the grass and bushes (keeping a clear line of sight from the center of the blast to the largest amount of grass/bush, to minimize the no. of charges required).
The beasts will be gone before all the grass/bushes are gone.
Yeah, I started a party, two people came in, They ran through and ignored everything.
Evilnut wins! Thats what I do! HOORAY!
Why kill the beasts when you can just go cut the grass and let them join into the fun of their own free will?
Time vs Money. Do the math.