If you win an auction, what happens if you don't check your mail and accept the item?
Why doesn't the item just automatically show up in your inventory?
[AH] What happens if you don't check your mail?

Are you sure? Is that your personal experience, or do you have a source of OOO saying that.
Because, deleting the item you bought instead of auto-accepting it, seems like a scam to me, and should be filed as a bug.
Attachments you sent to other players, if not accepted, will be returned. (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Mail#Receiving_Mail_with_an_Attachment)
I don't believe AH mail is not handled in a similarly logical and sane fashion (i.e. auto-accept).

Just what all my friends say about mail.......

I could quantify this if you want. I'll buy something random on the AH and report back in 30 days.

That would be great! But remember to buy something cheap

Already checked (on super stun gun :3) it will be deleted in 30 days 100%.

Not on purpose. My starter bonus did indeed get deleted. :P (The GMs sent me another copy, after telling me not to be so damn forgetful next time.)

Happened to me on the test server. I had a bunch of items on auction and winning bids. Then it was over a month before i was able to get on to it again and everything was gone ><.

Sucks when I have a ton of auctions going at once. Should be an "accept & delete all" button, at least.

This is madness.
Suggestion created:

If you don't accept your mail in 30 days, then it will feel neglected and go back to the AH.

Why is this a problem? If you can't check your mail for 30 days, you shouldn't be doing auctions anyway.

Why do you need to accept a mail from AH in the first place? It should be just added straight away to your arsenal and the mail only serving as a notification.
The same mechanism for attaching items in player-to-player mail is being nice. In case the player you sent to has left SK, you can get your items back after 30 days.
For AH mails the system already got its cut in sales value, and the seller already got the crowns via mail (which can also be unrightfully deleted). Why on earth should you get your item deleted just by being absent?
It would be more like a design flaw then a feature to punish players being absent (which is just stupid).
I guess OOO wants to separate the items you get from transaction with your arsenal. If they don't, then there may be confusion and players saying "Hey AH mail said I received 1k cr but I didn't!" but in fact they was mistaken about how much crowns they had. But they keep the separate storage associated with the mail itself, which gets flushed out after 30 days.
OOO should instead give players an inbox. Items/crowns/CE you received from mail will be placed there, including the current message you get in mail. You can't do anything with them, until you accept them, which gets them added to your arsenal/CE meter/crown meter.

I think it would be better if the mail just said "You won [item]! Your item has already been added to your arsenal" or "Your item sold for [amount]! Your crowns have already been added to your account."
But we're in Suggestions territory now.
If u don't check it in 30 days of recieving it the mail will get deleted, along with the item you didn't accept