weve kept steady at 100, still inviting new 5 stars. mail mushy-bucket or post here and ill get to you!
getting full 4* tomorrow, ill sponser vanas as often and as soon as possible.
the guild is really getting started! lets keep it up and tough it out until we come out the other end as a stronger and better guild.
best wished, ~Mushy
almost tier 3 myself.
i will begin sponsoring guild vanaduke runs ASAP.
be aware if youre interested that ill pick the strongest first (although bribes arent out of the question. im easy to e bribed. XD) to increase the squad's survival chances. hope to go FSC farming soon. see yall there. :D
btw, still accepting FSC invs until then. ive done well in the past (for a mostly 4* XD)