Not gonna be nosey but just tell me what it was like when you joined SK and what it was like until you got to where you are now as i just smelt the same thing that i smelt the first time i joined SK x3 I was very confused as did not get a lot of the game >.> but i seemed to get used to it all......... The first guy i saw when i got into haven, forgot the name, asked him all about the game and everything i found it very interesting and asked him if we could go to the clockworks and earn a bit of cr, We became very good friends. Later on in SK when i was 3* i saw a guy with a WHB wondering what it was and thinking it was awesome, I asked how to get it but i never knew the CR it cost so all i was shouting in haven was WTB a WHB not knowing the cost. This guy, not gonna mention name, said to me that he will get me a WHB if i give him all my CR and other stuff so i did forgetting about scam and that sort of thing unfortunately he suddenly changed haven and left leaving me scammed. I felt very foolish that i got tricked so easily so i never trusted anyone again but sooner i found that guy again, but in a different character. Lets say he found me saying that his other acc had been ban because i sent a complain and he got banned. He asked me to send a mail to the GM's or something ,long way back don't remember, for him but i did not know how. but he said to give him my username and password so he could do it but i got tricked once so i wasn't gonna get tricked this time so i decided to just leave and go do something else. Some time later i couldn't get into Spiral knights because i had the wrong password i knew right away what he had done, but i couldn't do anything unfortunately. Later that day i checked my Email and i had received a email from him saying what the password for my account was i quickly logged right into Spiral knights but everything was gone. I decided that there was no point of staying in SK so i just deleted my account and left. A month later i decided to rejoin SK and i did just that and from then on i didn't trust anyone like that to get tricked ever and i became a 5* guy who loves doing LD. ^3^
Smell of SK

Hmmmm not to me, to me it smelt like another game was gonna be started and it would be fun.

And a whiney F2P player who is the first poster.

Also, I'm picking up some more smells!
So many, Internet Beggers.....

I started playing when SK came to steam. I had the most fun in this game when I was in tier 2. There were a lot of players, most of them were very fun to play with. I remember when they added Roarmulus Twins I was very excited. Now this game is not so much fun for me, I am a bit bored now that there is nothing to do except Shadow Lairs, and they costs so much I don't even want to try. I still farm FSC with my friends who still find this game fun though.

Sounds like a epic story of epicness! OwO With a scent of cheesecake..

...Sort of.
This happened to one of my friends while I still played consistently. I actually helped them get re-started with some Wolver stuff (They were about to upgrade to skolver/vog irrc when their stuff got stolen) and a nice guy gave him some good weapons. I haven't seen him in a while, but I hope he's doing good...And I'm glad that you could recover from such a terrible fate of getting every item stolen...People like that are just giant a-holes that want to cause misery for no reason other than for fun...I wish we could catch them faster, but, oh well...

Smells like a wall of text no sane person would read.
Let me introduce you to my good friend, the Enter key. You may also want to get closer to my other friend, Punctuation. You seem to have a very slight acquaintance.

Well it all started when I was just messing around dread fully bored,when all of a sudden,I was on a crashing
space ship!.I yelled with terror as the ship plummeted into this strange planet.I managed to get inside this strange pod,thinking it would keep me safe
I accidentally pushed something and before I knew,the pod was launched out of the ship and smashed right into the planet.
The force of the crash left me shaken.After coming to my senses I found some pieces of armour,a strange pistol like weapon and a sword.
Upon coming out of the pod,I was contacting by this person I did not yet know,he told me that the "skylark" has crashed
and left escape pods scattered through out the area.Upon hearing this I looked over my shoulder,and I saw the great ship burning with a fearful blaze.
Then suddenly I heard a slight rustle from a nearby bush.I immediately grabbed by sword and approached the bush slowly,and steadily.
Then,with no warning a block of goo like substance jumped out of the bush and started attacking me.I wasn't slow in slicing it to bits,but then I heard someone call my name,the sound became louder by the second,when suddenly....
I woke up late for school,with my mom trying to get me up :<
SK smells like the stench of hard work from F2P players.