At first there was fire, and then there was moar fire, and then I was surrounded by even moar fire, and then I was going down, down, down in a burning ring of fire! And then I'm constantly poisoned, so I can't heal or kill all the things that make all the fire! I even resorted to an ASI max Supernova and CTR max Acheron, still couldn't tame the fire. The thing is, once one thing is on fire, EVERYTHING catches fire faster than Panem after the Hunger Games. And then there're more Lichens spawning than I could carefully kill them. I was so distracted by the screen burning more than London in 1666 that I was blasting 1k revs in the last room and killed the giant Lichen before I really saw what he could do.
Also, where was the Oiled Baron? I know you're hiding him from us, OOO!
At one time, I was both poisoned and on fire lol. I have Chaos Cloak btw, this is going to be total hell in Tier 3 full parties.