I have run through this 3 times now once with 3 swords and a gun, once with all bombs and once with 3 guns and a bomb. I used different armor and shields each time using class specific gear. Each time I ran this solo and this is my feedback. It was about equal difficulty with the gun and sword loadouts and a huge joke as a pure bomber ( I was at 1000ce revs half way through the first depth) this is just too difficult. here is what I would change.
-It appears that the oilers have had range added to their dash attacks, I would shorten this to 3/4 or 1/2 of what it is. Reason: I was getting hit from half way across the the screen with these.
-Adjust the amount of time the oil/poison stays on the floor making it last 1 or 2 seconds would be fair, currently it appears to stay on the ground for 4-5 seconds. Reason: In many areas the floor was nearly covered completely rendering health pills and remedy caps obsolete.
-Make it so polyps only shoot spikes. Reason: There are enough menders in the danger rooms to not need the added difficulty of polyps generating more oilers and when they spew oil on the floor this just adds to the mess of the floor having nearly no safe zone.
-Make it so you can see the enemies when they are in the fire. Reason: There were many areas where all the oil on the floor ignited making it so I could not tell where the enemies (mainly the oilers) were in the whole mess, typically I was stuck in the middle of all this when it went up in flames.
-In the last danger room on the second floor make the fire coming from the flame throwers in the wall so that it cannot OHKO. Reason: None of the other wall flame throwers OHKO. The rest of them just ignited me and took off life upon hitting but in the last room even at full health I was being OHKO if I stepped in the flame, consistency would be better.
-In the last danger room on the second floor when the mini bosses are released make the re-spawning polyps go away and buff the two mini bosses life by 25-50%. Reason: There was too much going on with dodging polyps, the oilers they spawn, and fighting the mini bosses to really enjoy the new mini bosses. I think it would be much more enjoyable to just be up against the mini bosses (with their life buffed) so I can fully enjoy what you guys have done with these new mini bosses.
Thanks for reading
keep Polyps how they are, do not change them.
You cannot just make every monster the same difficulty, we need to use TACTICS and focus fire things. Some monsters are difficult, some monsters aren't a threat. Some monsters can make those non-threat monsters more of a threat. So you take out those monsters that make the non-threat monsters become a threat.
You need to have kill priorities. If oilers were constantly lit, you weren't killing scorchers first. You then need to take out Polyps since they will make kiting hard. etc etc etc. Those have to go down fast and first. You cannot just start derp slashing at whatever is closest to you like in FSC.
I agree with you on the reduced amount of oil and the flamethrowers not dealing as much damage as they are.
If you are having an issue with x monster, it isn't the monsters fault. No monster needs to be directly nerfed in this content, only the amount of oil dropped by whatever.