Famicom - Population: 15.
Us: A brand new guild named after the classic Nintendo Entertainment System System, the brain child of Chub-Chub and Sleepy-Head while wandering around the dusty streets of Cradle. A tight-knit, small, up and coming community headed by Chub, Sleepz, Uncosung and Valene who like to keep up the positive vibes. Aims to bring up a collective of skilled players who also pack a personality. Daily boss runs with expert boss killaz, frequent events where you can win shiny prizes, helpful members with intensive knowledge of both PvE and PvP, inter-guild PvP, philosophical debates about the space time continuum, and basically super awesome party fun time.
There's more info. on our Guild Wiki Page (coming soon), but enough about us. :)
You: Someone who has stared death in the face and didn't flinch. Someone with a healthy appetite for Clockworks/PvP adventure, and wants to be a part of a helpful, fun group!
We welcome you. ^^
Note: If you are interested in joining the PvP program, please fill out the supplemental questionnaire below the main application!
The Application:
How often do you play a week?
What is your in game name (IGN)?
What tier are you?
Your Time Zone?
What food will you bring to the picnic?
You have been thrown in a pit with a lion. Somewhere in the crowd a person screams, "Take this! You need it!" What do you think he throws you?:
Supplemental Questionnaire (for those interested in participating in PvP)
What is your preferred class (LD)?
What is your average cap per game?
what is your average damage per game?
Would you describe your style as offense or defense?
Would you be interested in competitive GvG LD?
Upcoming Events:
Promotional Event TBA
We are Famicom. The Family. The Community. THE WORLD!
za warudo
free bump for friends. :3