Not having any luck finding a seller in-game. My offer is 3,000CE, not negotiable.
IGN: Tammytryhard.
Not having any luck finding a seller in-game. My offer is 3,000CE, not negotiable.
IGN: Tammytryhard.
Jeez - you could have one by now if you didn't ignore me when I told you I'd need time to level up the individual items. Not many people just have a Vog Cub sitting in their arsenal.
If Deslare has approached you willing to accept your offer, that's a good deal. As he says, its rare for anyone to have 5* weapons and armors in their inventory, given the investment required. Very few players will sink the materials and time into making a piece of armor and hoping someone will need one. Your best bet if you're looking for 4* or 5* Equipment is to make a deal with a straight laced player who will craft the item for you.
Instead of waiting for that one guy who happens to have a Vog Cub Coat he's not using, you should negotiate with players who can provide the good your looking for. Compared to acquiring all the nessacary mats and recipes yourself, its still a fairly decent deal.
If you asked maybe 8 hours ago, I would've dumped it on you with glee, I'm working on another one now, if you haven't purchased one in some time, send me a tell or in-game mail, IGN is forum name.