Maybe it's just me, but ever since SEGA came into play, spiral knights has been nothing but promos. Promos that fund more promos, and a little bit of actual content. That content, aimed to get new players into the game or to bring in even more profit *cough* expansion missions *cough*... To me it just seems like a ploy to bring in as much money as possible without actually improving the game. Before SEGA they actually produced content, Snarbolax, RT and PvP were all released in the same summer iirc. maybe one or two promos total.... until SEGA took over, what have we gotten since then? rehashed content, shadow lairs (absurdly priced) and just recently danger missions (actual fun content... but wait! there's a catch! you can only do it once a day.) and of course: promos, lots and lots of promos, the most recent of which shows blatant disregard for the community. How so you may ask? None of it is original, recolored armor, recolored halo, recolored crests, AND items from previous promos. The common understanding was that promo items, were unique, and exclusive, not to be obtained any other way than the promo itself, so what do they do? Surprise! remember these? People paid premium for those items, invested in them just to have all their value crushed. A pretty sleazy move in my opinion. Next thing you know they are going to have another red/black/white rose set promo. I guess what I'm trying to say is: before SEGA, OOO seemed to care. Maybe you all think I'm just butthurt, or maybe you just don't care, but it's hard watching a game that had so much potential get corrupted by greed. Food for thought, bring on the hate.
before SEGA
Sega joined forces a lot earlier on with Three Rings, but it became all official a bit after. Second, majority of the content added in this game is not stuff you need to buy into. If you compare how much this game has grown from just the first official day to now you will notice a lot of new add-ons.
I don't think your butthurt I just don't think you realize or even played the game properly. This game has not been corrupted by greed, and Three Rings have been pushing out updates left and right. You can always argue that these promo items suck, and its a waste, but they do end up selling easily well over 5k+ dollars in promos from the looks of it, so a high % of players do buy into them.
Shadow Lairs --- Not priced absurdly since you can split the cost with people in your party, and buy keys cheaper than vendor prices.
Danger Missions -- You can do them more than once just use party finder, or be in an active guild. ( I did about 5+ Loa missions a day at times....I know a few guildees who do about 8+ a day just for fun).
Current Promo --- The great thing about promos are if you don't like they you don't need to buy them. The new 20 dollar costume set is pretty neat I see a lot of players like that deal, and the halo's, crests, etc. Yes, a bit might be re-colored, but end of the day they are items players have been desiring for a long time. I know so many players who wished they can afford a halo or regular wings, and due to this promo well ta-da they can.
Three Rings never said promo items will never come back again. Like Nick posted a long-time ago: Starbucks always does promotions on Pumpkin spice coffee around halloween, but its always recurring. All promos come up for a limited time, but its never set it stone this is the last chance you have to receive this promo.
What I find really hard is finding players moan and cry over nothing and attempting to bring down a game when in fact the game is doing well. Please don't use that greed logic, and call Three Rings or Sega greedy last time I checked they are doing their jobs of making profit and allowing us to play a great game (For Free).
Before SEGA, game was pretty empty. New content was bound to happen regardless of who owned OOO.
I frankly don't want anything from OOO BUT content, if this was a full priced game I have paid for it many times over, OOO used to pump out content, now they are unoriginal and don't seem to care about the community anymore, I don't see what 10kce has to do about anything. Sure danger missions are new, but are they original? They made 2 new monsters, and one is just a re-skin with a totem attached. Snarbolax, RT and PvP was actual, NEW content. what is NEW about anything they have done this year other than interface, map layout or monster health boosts?
That's what I'm saying, when it became official, that's when it changed. I've been playing this game since day 1, and the promos have been wonderful for OOO in terms of revenue, no arguing that, BUT it seems the money they make is being used for more promos, which is my whole point. I was not aware of Nick's starbucks comment, that clears thing up for me about the rehashed items.
I'm not crying or moaning, it's just the way I am perceiving what's happening. Maybe I am mistaken, or maybe I am just paranoid, because yes this IS a fantastic game, and i don't want to see it go under BECAUSE of greed.
This Year: Final addition to the Mission System
-Massive Performance boost
-Mirrored Lockboxes
-OCH (DLC, I know, but I don't mind)
-New Crash Site
-Lots of New Lockdown maps
-lots more, but I don't have time to hash it all out for you
missions: mostly rehash, but there was some original content
cake: was temporary
performance boost: arguable, they seem to have upped the "low" setting
mirrored: money in mind
OCH: went back on their word of CE purchase
new crash site: i gave them credit for that
Lockdown: point taken
Quit talkin smack. We are getting plenty of content in the future.
Am I not supposed to say this? I don't know. I am just trying to keep players from quitting,.
yeah i know, I've cooled off... been a long day, and i got kinda worked up over this... Now i see how silly that was of me.
SORRY I STILL HAD CAPS LOCK ON FROM ME MAKING MY DECODING CONTEST, NO OFFENSE WAS TRULY INTENDED THERE I just hate editing my posts it takes a long time to hit the backspace too :/
Oh the hate has been brought, I see.
But OOO does pump out updates (sometimes tiny bugfixes) and others times a whole mission system of like 60 missions to earn and learn.
Promos are just space-fillers between the content. The game would be boring without these.
I myself have never bought a promo (only 1 ele pass). But perhaps when I find something sexier, I shall pick up a promo (one with 100% of the item[i know this one did, don't rage]).
What was that? Oh you want 10k/ce and a small income for OOO which means little content?
Silly, silly.