The most feedback I can give is "we are now sitting ducks as far as ranged attack goes" unless you give Test Server-ers instant access to Tier 3 of at least the Arcade, WHERE 5* GEAR IS MEANT TO BE USED. Of course the new Shard Bombs are going to crush the Abandoned Depot, Winmillion and the Cautery Sword crush the Abandoned Depot since every enemy inside is Tier 1 and super predictable, PLEASE give Testers instant access to T3.
Thanks Will. Halt trained you well. I'm Doctorspacebar on the Test Server too.
Well, your test server character will always be your test server character, so it is sort of best if you can at least make it to missions 3-1 or whatever it is to access prestige missions as I see that there will be 2 new ones to test in the future as well.
But I agree, access to tier 3 without going through missions would be nice.
Not to sure about that one - I had two characters that had gone completely through the missions already and they were both wiped when I jumped on this time.
Was a real pain to start over - It took an hour of mercurial running through missions just to unlock the prestige missions to play and another 3 hours to get tier 3 access. (though 40mins of that was spent looking for needed materials) It would probably take me another couple of hours just to get one set to full heat for proper testing.
It would be nice if they had those elevators in haven that went to a "heat room" like they did for the shadow lair testing.
Doc, you make a great and vaild point!
Rawr, this is a test server, missions are pointless, we know they work. we are here to test unproven things.
Real, Start a thread, help fill the first page of the feedback with our voice.
Okay, okay. How about we put this stuff up in Suggestions. I think we're supposed to put Test feedback on the new stuff. Yes, reaching Prestige may be a pain again, but it doesn't take long. They gave us all the stuff to train with- that's new. Suggestions place, maybe?
Heavy, these are suggestions specific to the test server.
Suggestions thread is for regular server and new to game suggestions.
I'll say it here just as I did in the Developers thread.....
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.
It is great to know the the Devs have their ear to the pulse of the community.
You may be nerfing (?) the Shard Bombs, but I have to say, at least you listen to what the playerbase has to say, unlike previous games I've played (*cough*Runescape*cough*). Thank you for that much.
I can bump you to T3 when I get on in 15 mins :>