I'm not gonna lie, I am really annoyed at many aspects of the new Shard Bombs. Here's everything that's bad about them, and ideas to fix the parts that are crappy. (And those particular parts are crappy. You won't convince me otherwise.)
WE HAVE NO EVEN DECENTLY-RANGED OPTION ANYMORE. Gunners should be able to plink switches and turrets like nobody's business. I respect that. But when swordsmen with their Barbarous Lockdown Breaker can hit switches, or can use a DA to snipe Howlitzers... Bombers really feel shafted. Solution: Make a fragmentation grenade with a decent range. It doesn't have to be as jaw droppingly amazing as the old RSS range... just something to keep us from taking an hour in Clockworks switch mazes. To avoid the "problems" the RSS had, make the shards spawn spread out, and give it an explosion to make it "bomb like".
IT'S SO SLOOOOOW. By the time the shards explode, the Mecha Knight inside has walked outside their radius to cut your face open. I understand you don't want to create walls of damage, but you just can't hit anything with this slowness- I have trouble landing shards in TIER 1! To compensate for this, it is IMPERATIVE that the shards explode faster. Increasing the blast radius of both the bomb and the shards even slightly would also be greatly appreciated. LD Skolver Zombie Strikers are going to gripe, but they can stop whining and get a gun. An alternative would be to have the shards lightly stun (and interrupt) anything hit by them when they LAND, long enough to keep them in range of the Shards.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, BEHOLD MAGICAL DOC'S DISAPPEARING SHARDS! I understand not all the shards should be appearing if they're next to a wall, but really, there needs to be a little more leeway. I want to be able to cause actual damage to Battlepods. And let the shards go through some things, like say the back end of a Trojan (you know, the end that doesn't have the shield).
EDIT: Upon further testing, I've figured out that the shard lands normally 3 squares away, reliably stops if it hits a wall 2 squares away, and may randomly vanish on a wall 1 square away.
DAMAGE IS PATHETIC COMPARED TO EQUIVALENT BLAST BOMBS. Tests in the Gloaming Wildwoods revealed the unheated 3* Normal-damage Super Shard Bomb, when both the center explosion AND one Shard hit, do less damage than the unheated 3* Super Blast Bomb. The unheated 5* Splinter Bomb (piercing) was weaker than the unheated Dark Briar Barrage (also 5* and Piercing) in a similar fashion. ISB and RSS compete against their respective families (even with Max Damage, that status is very nice to have), but otherwise one can find better bombs.
Of course, I can't even test properly since they come unheated! I have a life outside SK, so I'd really rather not spend ages heating two bombs I won't even use on the Test Server. If, however, the sum of a HEATED Shard Bomb's Initial explosion and Shard don't measure up to a Heated Blast bomb of the same star level and damage type... the damage needs a buff.
There are some good points to the bomb, though:
-NOT COMPLETELY USELESS AGAINST TURRETS. It's not the sniping machine it was before, but it may do better than Nitronome against a Puppy. Bullet Hell is still a no-go for a pure bomber, unless you've got superhuman reflexes.
-WE HAVE AN EFFECTIVE OPTION AGAINST GREAVERS. The spread-out damage means they'll be hit over and over, and RSS's Stun will keep Greavers slowed down to boot.
-WE MIGHT HAVE AN OPTION AGAINST VANADUKE. The RSS has Stun, so it might be a no-go, but the new Piercing-damage Splinter Bomb, assuming Vana's Fire Shield doesn't cancel the attack, would be an effective choice. People will probably go for the RSS because its two targets (Beasts and Fiends)
-EASY TROJAN-KILLER! Keep a distance, place your first Sun Shards, circle 180 degrees around the Trojan, place the second, circle 180 degrees after the first Shards explode, place the third, and so on, up till the Trojan is dead. Also knocks away trash. Of course, if you don't like it, we've still got the Shivermist Buster and (insert Piercing weapon here) trick. DBB will suffice.s
There are still pots you can throw at switches.
I didn't find the damage to be "pathetic" at all after testing it. When you over exaggerate things, it makes it sound as if you are just simply angered due to some other thing and venting. I found that you can double clip monsters with shards if they are positioned right, doing twice the damage. This happened A LOT with me. Perhaps you are just looking at raw numbers and not so much at mechanics, a hit from the inside ring + 2 hits from outside shards since the inside ring can knock down enemies usually? Is that seriously "pathetic" compared to a nitronome / DBB????