...I am definitely not gonna heat all my equips again from scratch.
I can understand it's "difficult" for you to import my original knight in the test server, but really one cannot enter the haven and discover he's not a vanguard (he cannot test the tier-3 new content) and that he has everything at heat level 0. I tried to solo the snarby shadow lair (thing I can do easily with my knight), as an attempt to quantify the difference between level-10 and level<3 items, and it was a nightmare: monsters never died and armor and shield did almost nothing. I can't give a valid feedback under these conditions: this is way far away from the gameplay I usually have in the normal server.
Well... this is a forum about suggestions so.... well.... how about giving knights all the heat they need and all the tier 3 fully unlocked from the beginning? We're here to help with feedbacks, not to suffer again all the pain we had in the real game.
Are you serious?
You realize anyone testing on this test server has to go through the same thing. You might want to re-check your surroundings. I'm okay with it and don't really care for it. You might as well suck it up because we're getting the same treatment around here.