First off, let me state that all simulations were done on Tier 1 gates, since I don't have access to any of the lower tiers, and I'm not gonna go through the effort of gaining access to them (Although I did use the C42 mission to test ISB).
So I'm gonna pen down a few thoughts on what I liked and issues I found, and then do a full, overall rundown:
- Still very party friendly. The lack of any major flash is nice, and the knock back is small enough that I really don't find it all that disruptive.
- Shards lack expanding ring. This is good for PvP.
- The 'No shard" zone (The one that nick mentioned in where the shards won't spawn if they're too close to a wall or chasm), feels fair, and with the right skill, can still get them to work to a degree. That said, it might take some extra time to figure out if this is trully solid or not
- Feels MUCH easier to get into than the current RSS, but there's still some need for placement. Just that you don't have to against something that's constantly moving. More on this later.
- Timing of the shard detonation needs to be lowered a tad. As is, certain monsters, such as scuttle bots and slimes, that get hit by the initial blast move out of the shards blast radius before they go. This'll also help appeal more to other bombers that are used to the original RSS (Not they would entirely care what the final version), and give it better viability in PvP.
- Increase the range of the higher star version a bit. I agree with a few (Rawrcake) that the range of the original RSS is a bit wacked out, but the 4* and 5* I do feel need a slight range buff in where they land. Currently, NItro and DBB outrange the bomb, and although it's decent on kiting. Still not entirely sure about this, but one of the appeals was it's range; having the range tweaked in between the current version and RSS/Nitro/DBB should help. Also, I realize the increased range would expand the circle, there by making it more difficult to hit with the ring, so I might propose on adjusting the shard explosion radius or shard numbers if t hat's the case.
Now to my overall the bomb. Now I while I couldn't do this via t3, I honestly still had a lot of fun running around and using this bomb. The feeling was just much more satisfactory to me as a bomber, and like I stated before, it simply easier for me to get into. Now for the most part, I realize that some bombers like this bomb for the challange and, but generally speaking, about ALL of the good weapons in SK are easy to pick up, but more trickier to master in some ways (More so than some); old RSS is the exception I feel.
That's probably one of the other things that stands out about it; the difficulty curve is just much higher. Also, regarding the risk/reward saying about the bomb, let me just point something out: Bombs in GENERAL are risk/rewards. In the more hectic fights like arenas and dangers mission, you have to identify when you should or shouldn't charge your bomb, and where to and when to place it. Some bombs have more tweaked risks, like the vortex series' slower movement, but that's fair and easy to understand, both from a dev and player standpoint. The old RSS's risk/reward is, well, kinda awkward to be honest, especially considering it was never intended (Or designed properly) to fully clip all the shards into a single target.
With that said, right now I think the mechanic is fine, just that the stated variables need tweaking to make it for practical as well as fun.
I disagree with the people saying it's easier than RSS to get into. I loved RSS very quickly! I will miss it forever.
but I agree with the rest of what you're saying. It is fun in it's own way, even though slow. I noticed the radius too and thought it kinda stank for a 5* bomb. My concern is that if the radius was increased, then the shards would be too spread out to do reasonable damage when getting swarmed. Their radius would need to be increased as well.
I especially agree that the lack of screen disruption is AWESOME. This bomb doesn't have the major "Big Splosions" effect that bombs have and that I love, but the multitude of "SNAPS!" that occur when it goes off makes up for that. Feels powerful, without earning crazy hate from fellow players.