The Core (spoiler)

7 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

So at the moment, if you didn't know already (any one playing pre-patch should) when you get to the core, its still in progress, so all thats there is like 20 chests and a goblin telling you that the devs are sorry, and hope you can forgive them, here have this etc. Before I continue, I understand this is just a blank slate for devs to work with, and this will not be completed any time soon, however here's my problem with the uncompleted core:

1. This shouldn't cost any energy to get to, nor should there be an Xroads before it. It should be a smooth transition between one map to the core in my honest opinion because its not ACTUALLY a town yet. Theres not reason for some one to NOT want to walk in and smack some chests. At the moment, its like the energy cost doors that you walk through that usually end up giving you nothing any way. Maybe to further separate the doors from THE core, the final destination, the endgame... maybe give us some thing nice for getting there? A random rare item dropping out of a black chest... or just you know... 10k Crowns? Just some thing thats worth those 10 energy.

2. That being said, the chests that are in there now seem to be giving me the same drops that chests used to give in haven... Dark shard, green shard, 50 crowns, and a toothpick. :/ and the toothpick isn't even mint flavored, wth is that all about? :) But any way, maybe the new chest mechanics didn't go over to that or its being related to an AT TOWN depth, as apposed to the FURTHEST down you can go.

Any way just my two cents :) Love the design for the core though, and looking forward to the Gremlin King.

Legacy Username
Seeing how chests between

Seeing how chests between haven and moorcroft gave away a Sealed Sword I wouldn't count much on chest drops being very depth related?

Legacy Username
Evo, you're in my guild, stop

Evo, you're in my guild, stop being a prick every time I post. Your sarcastic remarks are sad sorry attempts to feel like you're on top. We could very well be friends if you weren't being such a prick.

Legacy Username
Actually, Ive found, as you

Actually, Ive found, as you get lower
Chest tend to drop MORE crowns
This should be even more than it is now, for the struggle it takes to get there
But Ive found rare items with friends before the core, like 6 depths before
We found Drake Scale Helm, Chroma Mask, other cool stuff
So you probably just got the crappy boxes

Legacy Username
Scribbles, there wasn't any

Scribbles, there wasn't any sarcasm or anything related to "making myself feel like I'm on top" in my reply. I simply brought it up because I read it a bit earlier and you were questioning chest drop spawn in your second topic. >.>

Legacy Username

I, for one, would like the core to cost 0 energy until it's finished.
So it's more of a price, and less of a punishment if the boxes don't drop anything cool.



On this I don't think treasure rooms should cost energy; they're just a nice interlude.

When the Core is complete though, if it isn't a town, I think you'll need energy to get in, since it's meant to be incredibly dangerous with "nobody returning".
That can be changed in a later patch though, which we'd need to introduce the core :)


Double post. Sorry.