I was reading a topic before about what to upgrade first for my set of items and i am doing RJ to farm for crowns, but as I read on, I should just up my armour instead of weapons as the weapons are only slightly better when used in tier 2 missions meaning the time spent to upgrade the weapon should be spent on armour instead as the upgraded defense stats do not get weakened in tier 2.
Are 4* and 5* equips "weakened" in tier 2 missions?

The weapons do still deal more damage than their 3* forms, but not as overwhelmingly much more as they do in t3. Getting your armour and shield to 3* before getting your weapons to 4* is probably advisable, though.

They still deal far more damage than their 3* counterparts. The difference between 3 and 4* weapons is quite large, especially in cases like the sealed sword, where the type of damage dealt is changed.

You can test it out by going to t1 and comparing 1* gear to 3* gear, vs the same gear in t2. There is an attack increase, but its nowhere near as big as in the tier its meant for.

Some weapons gain advantages far beyond just a boost in power; those weapons may be worth upgrading sooner. For example, status effect bombs (like the shivermist buster) gain an incredible effect radius when fully upgraded to 5*. Likewise, brandish charge attacks deal more explosions, and alchemer bullets split into more pieces.
If you're upgrading armors sooner... well, the harsh truth is that they're great at blocking damage to start with, and the bonuses don't get much better as you go from 3 to 4*. I'd recommend improving shield, weapons, and armors, in that order. But try to get everything to the same base star level before leveling farther, as a 4* weapon isn't much use if you die due to wearing 1* armor.

Too make it simple. any 3 star+ items in t1 get nerfed. They will still be stronger than 0/1/2 star items but they won't be at full power. The same is with 4 and 5 star items in tier 2. This also affects your armors, helms, shields, guns, bombs, and weapons. Also if you notice a full 5 star armored player in tier 3 will start out with their armors max HP bonus unlike in tier 1 or 2 were they will have less HP.
Believe it or not. Due to these weapon/armor limitations and 5 star player can still be mauled in a tier 1 s2 danger room and a tier 2 s4 danger room. Honestly I even find tier 2 s4 danger rooms harder than tier 3 s6 danger rooms because of the gear limitations. In Tier 2 s4 Danger Rooms you'll be doing something like 100-150s or 300s (if you charge) to enemies that got well over double the HP of the normal tier 2 s4 enemies and will hit you like a brick wall.