So guess what guys? Since I could no longer access my primary account, I have decided to make a new one and start from scratch! It's fun reliving the moments when I first started this game. Oh and by the way I'm Zephyrgon.

On my first day I already have a full 2* Wolver Set, a Flourish, and a Brandish with a UV. It's pretty fun.

Why you cant access your primary account?

hehe, until you hit the 3*-4* gap. THATs where its gonna be hard to upgrade
I sense that someone gave away their password :3

I didn't give away my password. It's WAY more complicated than that. But WHO CARES??? It's really fun, like an old man reliving his boyhood shenanigans.

Normally people create another knight or another account for that. I recently outfitted my alt with a copy of every boss token items (yes, that's a lot of FSC runs I solo'ed dragging my alt along).
My alt passes the Hall of Heroes with the token items, and solo missions when possible. My alt only crafted a single non-mission related item: a flourish. Solo'ed In Cold Blood and the shock-themed beast (missions that assume you're full 4*) with full Ancient set, using FoV/flourish and pulsar/antigua. It's a lot of fun!

I did a restart and not by choice. Went off to college and Steam didn't work there so I made a non-steam version and started over just as I was getting 5* gear. I liked my old name better. :P But I like my new friends better :D