how many floors are in operation crimson hammer tier 3? And what is the reward (including crowns, weapon...etc)
how many floors are in operation crimson hammer tier 3? And what is the reward (including crowns, weapon...etc)

Not sure if trolling or....
If you dont know how to use spiral knights wikipedia and you didnt heard about editing posts (since everything you asked for is in there) you should have go to New Recruits forum section first instead of just rushing to general section.
"New Recruits
A place for those new to Spiral Knights to ask questions about the game."
"General Discussion
Discuss Spiral Knights"
And no, asking questions about one particular thing, that can be found on wikipedia is not discussing.

He is asking questions about the game... lulz...
Beyond the stuff you can get off the wiki, it's about 4500 to 5000 crowns per run in tier 3 at least.

OCH has 4 levels + 1 boss level then a rewards level. You'll be lucky to get 4k crowns for spending about twice the time then what it takes to beat FSC. For completing each tier you get some prestige, and 2 free weapons. (What 2 weapons you get depends on tier). Also you have to do OCH 3 times just to craft a helmet.

All the tiers of OCH are pretty much the same, some enemies differ, especially in the boss fight, and some traps are not there in the lower tier ones. It is 4 floors, a boss floor (that gives no heat or crowns), and then the treasure floor (it's a free elevator ride). The payout for T3 is 4kish, and I do not remember it for lower tiers.
T1, 2, and 3 all have their own Rocket Hammer and Bomb. The goodies you get are gotten after the treasure floor and vary depending on what tier you did(T1 gets 1* hammer, 2* bomb, T2 gets 3* of both, T3 gets 5* of both). You only get them on the first completion of that tier, and they can not be sold, traded, etc.
At the end you get a mat that is used in creating the Seerus Mask. Again the mat is tier specific, and is used in the crafting of tier specific masks (1*, 3*, and 5* respectively). The mask is quite good for gunners, giving a nice elemental/normal defense, fire and shock resist (negatives to freeze and poison though), CTR med and ASI low to guns... it also takes 3 of the mats to craft. So if you want all 3 you are going to have to do each tier 3 times.
Forgot to ask, and how about tier 2? (how many floors, what is the reward including crowns, weapon...etc)