First world problems
Not really, I don't have friends outside of Spiral Knights.
(Actually, I really don't care at all if nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. So yeah.)
Hmm nope. Got a guild full of nice people, a handful of good friends I met -on- SK, and a few friends from elsewhere that I introduced to SK. They didn't really stick with it, but understand enough to appreciate stuff like that. :o
I totally do get that feeling at -other- times, though. Also, gratz on soloing the fire duck!
Forget that there are religious extremists, Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and that the Klan still exists! Not to mention all the stuff people get away with by calling affirmative action and playing the race card. Bronies (or whoever else I don't like) are ruining my SK!
I have a lot of things that make me feel that way.
Like feeling that way.
"Oh, god, I'm feeling depressed because of some first world problem.
This is so depressing..."
But really, a lot of things.
The fact that the community is horrible and everyone I meet is too impatient to download and actually play the game through makes me sad.
So I parkour on free time now, since I beat every game I have.