Hello fellow players. Our guild is looking for more members, we require that everyone act mature and friendly in order to bond a durable coexistence. We assume that a person's skill derives from time and practice of each individual, meaning that if you have played a lot of games that resemble Spiral Knights, then you are likely to develop your skills in here much faster than those that only play racing and sports games. Elders are quite familiar with this.
This guild made history in the past, but due to a certain person we had a significant amount of people that would follow them to their new guild. Sounds like betrayal, but things are more complicated than they seem. We are now proud of those who remained loyal and did not quit like others. They wish to rebuild Fame and Glory, and battle once again side by side with true heroes such as themselves in the this vast world called Cradle.
If you think you are skilled enough to join the strongest rank of Knights, if you're willing to learn from the best, if you want to feel the Dominance blood boiling in your heart, grab your gear and stand next to us. Send a mail to "Cavaleiro-Dos-Ceus", you will be noticed.
I saw that other recruitment posts have big lists of "what-to-do" or are filled with emoticon-ish things to call the attention of guild seekers. Personally found these unnecessary for the people we are looking for.
I'll repeat myself here, those interested in joining a true, hardcore, bond making guild that values people behavior above their character gear are welcome to send a mail to "Cavaleiro-Dos-Ceus". When I'm not busy recruiting people in-game or helping a fellow guildsman with their mission or upgrading my own gear to solo FSC faster, I can be found in advanced training halls giving advice to new players or even walking aimlessly in haven just talking to people.
I must also say that I'm not a guild master, just got to be the newest officer. We usually don't visit the forum often (me at least) and I noticed that we did not have a recruiting thread, so I took the freedom to create this one. English is not my native language if there's anybody wondering, but no excuses for possible grammar mistakes I guess x)
Three paragraphs are too mainstream. (Where is that little space that indicates paragraphs cava? Tried to put it but dind't work :3 No please, don't bother yourself trying to explain formatting, I'm not really interested right now D:)