I've been really enjoying the game and im working on getting to 3 star missions and I saw the Guardian Armor pack but before I buy it how much more is there once the story is over? I dont want to spend money on a game that wont last long after the final boss.
What is there to do once you finish the story?
Thx for quick reply but what i meant was is there enough content coming in that even when you beat everything there is still more coming in at a semi regular rate?

based on this f2p mmo. you have until rank 9 until you are finished with the "campaign" missions. this will take an extremely long amount of time if you are limited to the free process. unless you buy an elevator pass or crystal energy to continue your time spent on the game. you'll probably be spending 100+ hours on this game if you were to buy the guardian pack.
however the guardian pack does include the 30 elevator pass.
also regarding to the game once it is "finished" you can either play on lockdown and/or the bomb arena. these games are endless. bomb arena is similar to bomberman type of gameplay if you are familiar with it. you can show off your costumes in the bomb arena.
if that is not enough content for you. you can purchase downloadable content in the expansions. this is operation crimson hammer. more expansions are to be expected.
arcade mode is also available. this is not mission based and is a free explore of clockworks.
Kk Thx very much I guess im gonna be buying the pack. Have a nice day both you and Tersakaff

Making an awesome costume, forming or joining a great guild, and becoming a well known Knight are all fun things I like to do. I've still yet to get tired of it and I'm not one to play the same game for a long period.
Also, you know you want to buy the pack for me as well because you love me.

we love you but we're poor
and lol speaking of which i love all the compliments i get on my costume. its nice to have that.
then you get beggers though because you look so epic

You're pretty, now please give me all your stuff. You have to because I complemented you.

im not pretty. im sexy and i know it. no shoes no shirt and i still get service.
here you can have all my stuff. 1 crown that i got from your mom OHHHHHH BURNNN lol jk

Finishing the story?Hah.Funny.While you think youve so called "finished" the story,you are sadly mistaken.there is a whole lot more story that OOO hasnt even put in the game yet.A WHOLE lot.But as to what to do now,make an epic costume.Do a couple of Shadow Lairs,make a guild and try to keep it running active,spam the clockworks,hunt for darkfang shields,experiment with different weapons/playstyles/etc.You get the point.While it seems that you have finished the game,theres still alot you can do.
~Magnicth the Dragon Mage

"I guess im gonna be buying the pack"

"you can purchase downloadable content in the expansions"
What downloadable content? I hear for first time that there is content that you download only after certain purchase in spiral knights? I hope you are not naming Operation Crimson Hammer Expansion Mission Pack a Downloadable content just because silly and stupid steam cant name things in other way or name them in way they are?

Then don't spend money on spiral knights- the end game isn't anything more than farming, and new content is extremely slow. So unless you particularly enjoy playing the same levels over and over, don't waste your money here.

The danger missions have been coming in rather quick, the third one is already available for testing. Personally I think new content has been going okay recently, but thats just my opinion.

One does not simply finish Spiral knights.
Uh, you do it again? The final boss...
It's not the kind of games that you finish the story then bam it's over. You can try different playstyles, challenge yourself, help newbs, make friends... etc. Basically you replay what you want in a different way.