Heavy-Duty's take on the Heart of Ice

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Heavy-Duty's picture

This was just epic. The first level was not that special, I felt. But it did give me some difficulty. The endboss was AWESOME. This game has moved up one more tile in my view. The thing was not that hard with Ash of Agni/BTB/SpikeSnarbythingy, but I did die a ton. Fiend/Ice was very nice! I have to say this was much more epic than C42, and the KrogmoArena was a nice take. I felt like I was being boo'd on the way by angry Devilites, but then... BOSS. Are those Skolver Cubs, or was that just me?! DoubleTrojanRainbow was always a pain every time they appeared- one of my nightmares. That EndBoss should gain more mobility and more difficulty- I felt I could have BTB'd it with no problem. This game has so much potential it had not uncovered- and the Heart of Ice truly did up the ranks and the potential. Can there be a little more story, here, like LoA or C42? Or is that the mystery? Anyways, it was hilariously fun, pretty difficult (but not as much as the previous C42), and now I wish King Vanaduke would gain a difficulty level. Update Vanaduke to the new levels. Besides that, this mission is totally worth the replay and extremely fun. When I saw that arena, I thought that was it. BUT NO. THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER BOSS!!! XLScorcher and OilerBaron team was kind of cheap but difficult- this one was just plain epic. I loved it- don't change it (except the 6-room Howlitzer thing, that is confusing). The Dark Souls or whatever you call them- WOW. Nice add! I just loved it- I can't say anything else. The difficulty matched LoA, but much more fun (especially the last level). We need more Clockworks Bosses like this- but wow. An epic danger mission!!! I adored it! TY OOO!!!!!!

Shadownox's picture


Skolver cubs, you say?

This'll be nice...

Heavy-Duty's picture

The "Skolver Cubs" are not the boss, but they are a bit different in a small sense..... (Sayin' no more)
I'm just not sure what they are. Maybe just Alphas? But they seem different...

Kitty-Softpaws's picture
Hmmmm...... the mission

Hmmmm...... the mission is probably hard for some veteran players. I did revive a somewhat big portion but if in the right party, that level is totally manageable. I loved the part of the audience, that was such an epic scenery & also the boss part was somewhat good for scenery. I loved the cave the most, when we opened the bosses at the end, ice cave was beautiful :>

Well, I don't know if this should become harder. For me it's manageable with the right party I think. We could probably get a few revive on the first few 7 tries.

I am not sure of this feedback but if more players are feeling it can be manageable like I do then here's what I think:

1. The boss isn't a threat at all o____O
It didn't require much to take it down. I suggest making it's attacks faster or he does more menacing things & increase his health but then again, he is a mini boss so just make it attack faster & do more dangerous affects like probably push us all the way to the spikes. And also make those alpha wolvers that it spawns, the alpha wolvers at the boss stage to be more menacing because they too are no threat at all.

Fixed summary/moral:
Just make the boss & the "Skolver Cubs" it spawns more threatening.

P.s. what does the boss do? i just saw it throw ice twice & then smash it's giant hammer like once?

Heavy-Duty's picture

Oh, and make the Devilites more... I mean LESS shy. Pit Bosses hiding behind gates abusing camera angles were pain to find. AND YES. Make the Boss HARDER. Make him try to blast you away or something. Still epic....
Skolver Cubs or Alpha Frostifurs? I'm confused of them and cannot get back on tonight. I'ma check on 'em tomorrow.

Srgs's picture
I checked. Alpha Frostifurs

I checked. Alpha Frostifurs do not look like that. Those are possibly Skolvers. (Where did "cub" come from in this?)

Unity's picture
See "Vog Cub"


I've been going on the assumption that, since Vog is specified as a non-Wolver entity, neither would his "counterpart" Skolver be. These new critters are certainly different than Alpha Frostifurs, though. I went with "King" Frostifurs in my feedback. :>

Aquajag's picture
They looked like Alpha

They looked like Alpha Frostifurs that were a bit suped up. And was it just me, or were they permanently invincible?

Logopathos's picture
I'm not sure about the wolvers...

But I'm gonna go with saying they're Skolver cubs because that's awesome.
This whole level was really fun, which seems to be the general consensus of almost everyone else.
Admittedly, I did die a lot. However, I was mostly derping around in order to just get through as fast as possible and see what was at the end. Maybe not my best strategy, but oh well. In a party and without infinite energy, it would have gone slower but I would have been able to die much less (more incentive to dodge effectively when I don't have infinite revives :L ).
But I digress. To add on to Heavy's third post, I think the boss should be harder as well.
It's way too epic and terrifying looking to be as easy as it was. Relatively speaking, of course. It was by no means a walk in the park, but I feel it should be made more challenging. Anyway. I'm beginning to be redundant.
... that is my 2 cents.