C42 on 7/18

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Coolnew's picture

- dragon scale set
- fire and poison trinkets (immunity - i still would know if it is a bug or not)
- swiftstrike buckeler (almost never used)
- gran faust
- hammer
- storm driver
- graviton vortex

Essay (in the order):
- died once because of terrible lagscreen on depth 1
- one pill used in depth 2
- died twice at boss, under the imposed condition of not using any pill (one death because i got there with 2 hp, 2nd death was really bad instead :D)

Overall feedback:
- bugfixes are appreciated
- this cannot be a "danger" mission because it's too easy

Coolnew's picture
By the way, thank you very

By the way, thank you very very very much for the heat room.