I logged on to SK yesterday and found that my character (Rexxia) had graphical issues..
1. My character first had no lower body. Her Armor skin was missing.
2. When in the game map, I couldnt see certain things like Headstones and some meshes had Error messages instead of the proper skins. On (Some) other players, I could not see their Lower bodies either.
3. Then when I quit the level and went back to Haven I then lost my Keyboard Controls. My character wouldnt move.
Note: I log in through Steam.
So I reinstalled the game and Rebuilt the Cache, that Did make my Lower body Skin come back. So I can see my Armor now. But it did not fix the all of other problems.
Please help, I cant play SK this way.
First, right click Spiral Knights in your Steam Library and choose Delete local content. Then navigate to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\spiral knights and make sure the folder is completely empty. At this point install Spiral Knights on Steam normally.