Not sure if this is the right place, but I recently did Weight of Darkness and noticed something kind of frustrating: unlike wolvers and gremlins, devilites become totally invincible when dashing away. My Magnus can take out the T3 versions in three hits, so it became my mainstay throughout the mission, but I noticed that even when I watched the gigantic bullets explode against them on impact, they took no damage if they were moving. This random factor -- that the RNG will just sometimes decide to make them invincible when I have the perfect shot lined up -- was something I really didn't need with seven Overtimers after me, able to take off half my health with one hit even though I was wearing the Divine Veil and Silvermail.
Devilite dodging

Could be lag / graphical glitch / missplaced hitboxes / your eyes playing tricks on you.
Needs testing. Might be a legit bug developers need to fix.

Magnus line tends to have wierd hitboxes, especially shooting left/right on your screen. Suffice to say, it is hard to hit a dodging devilite even with callahan. They aren't invincible though, or blitz would be less than effective against them.
Actually, autoaiming with callahan close range against devilties work really well.

Barbarous Thorn Blade/Final Flourish are THE BEST weapons against devilites.
When there are enough room to kite, i.e. not those dark city levels where rooms are tiny, Dark Briar Barrage will work perfectly too. Otherwise you can only use DBB as a first strike in places with a group button.
In missions with both devilites and kats around things can get ugly real fast. For devilites you have to keep kiting and blocking; but kats they stop you from moving around freely by dashing/biting/shooting bullets. In a group I like to use Shivermist Buster; when alone I run in circles and shoot Polaris. Kats will die fast from the elemental damage, and the shock stops their dash. Devilites will get confused by the slow bullets and dodge into the explosions on their own. Once all the kats are gone I switch back to BTB/DBB.

^ Heheh, I started on a Flamberge instead. I keep hearing that's a bad move now that I've done it xD Also just remembered it was a Mega Magnus; I just broke a two-month break from the game, so memory's a bit fuzzy. I would use a more flexible weapon, but the stupid things have so much attack priority that nothing but a combo finisher will interrupt their throws x__x
All that said, I did beat the mission. It was just annoying xD

I have the same problem. All my guns do that on develites. Gremlins too, although who needs guns when your DVS has a gremlin VH? Oh, hey I have a flamberge too! ^^ It's so rare, but I like to use it because of how people say "Hey that's a Flamberge! Why are you using that? It's crap!" And then I beat the crap outa dem deveilites. XD

Fire-themed devilite map, where the fire status, if triggered, won't do a thing. Disadvantage of lowered damage, no gain.
Even in non-fire level, the fire doesn't trigger often enough.
And if it triggers, the fire damage rarely kills for you since you won't switch target after the fire triggered. You'd continue to stab your current target to death. The fire damage caused while you continue to stab is minimal.
That's why people say it's a bad weapon.

That's why I use Supernova on the little buggers. Kinda hard to dodge giant bullets.
Moral of the story?
Leave your guns at home, close your eyes and run trough flailing your FF around and hope you hit them.
Or just avoid devilites completely unless necessary.
Pesky things they are. I've given up trying to play normally with them as its impossible. Really good visual design though.