'Cuz I call it DLC when I ask if some has it, but I call it OCH when I'm actually playing it, under the idea that OCH is the mission, DLC being the Mission PACK.
And the argument is relevant. It's still on topic, DLC being the alternative name for something which isn't in fact a DLC, the same as Jelly King being the alternative name for something which isn't officially called 'Jelly King'.
If you really wanted to pick at logic, you could also argue about how 'stupid' people are for calling those tickets they sell everywhere 'Accessories', because actually, if you read it's description, it's more of a coupon/ticket you give to Bechamel who then gives you the accessory, and not the accessory itself.
Or that Vana is called Lord of the Undead, classified as undead, yet shares NO traits of the undead.
Or maybe how everyone refers to GMs and Devs as if they are the same thing, when actually Devs are the guys who do all the programming and stuff while GM's are mostly PR and community management.
Or while we're at it, screw nicknames! They're not the official birth name or anything, and people may confuse my brother, nicknamed Brock, with dat guy of Pokemon! (Which he is co-incidentally nick-named after)
This argument is as pointless as telling someone they're eating their Moro bar the wrong way; upside down. It doesn't matter really at all unless...I dunno, you go out of your way to make sure everything goes as was planned in the first place?
You're giving yourself and everyone else you bring it up with unnecessary stress and irritation by getting worked up over it. It shouldn't matter to anyone.
Who doesn't call it OCH? lol