I recently started playing and the game runs fine, but I was curious if there was a version of the client that contains more of the core game files to shorten the load times and reduce the amount of stuff that has to stream while you're playing.
Forgive me if this is a dupe topic, but is there any way to download the whole game to your PC?
I think OP is talking about reducing load time after downloading the client. I know nothing about programming, but perhaps op is talking about pre-loaded maps and monster spawns? As far as I know, there isn't a way to shorten load time with extra downloads, nor do OOO provide them.
All the core files are already stored on your computer, it's just that the server has to load and assemble the files to make the game playable. They can't give you anything else because there would be hacking.
Well, it just seems like the load times are a little long for the pre-established areas (like Haven). It seems like everything is being streamed, including the music. I just thought maybe there was a version that stored more of the core game files to disk so that less content was being streamed and, thus, the load times would improve.
All the models and music are stored on your computer. The load times on Haven come from loading all the other players, hence where loading an abandoned, German Haven is quicker than loading Haven 1.
Only get Steam if you will play other games on it. Don't get Steam just to play SK, then you will have to login to your Steam account every single time you play. The models and music are already loaded into your computer and loading is used to load all the other players.
Steam has auto login as well as memorizes the SK account.
Login time = 5 seconds
Well i mean if you log in with steam then you wont have an actuall password for your SK account because your logging in through steam and not a seperate thing
Also steam is the only way you can use/hear voice chat.
Too bad there's something called skype. Or mumble. Or any sort of service that has voice chat.
Too bad nobody uses mumble. And opening more and more programs just slows the game down. And none of those chat programs have games :)
If you download steam, you can download it there and link your accounts. then you only have to download updates