Heart of Ice Round 2
Sat, 07/21/2012 - 11:27

The story elements was not what I was expecting, but I liked them nevertheless, they were very funny.
For some reason this time around was much harder. I may be wrong but the exploding ice balls seem to move much faster this time around. They need to be slowed down and their explosive radius decreased. I was frozen far too many times from striking it with a BTB from what should have been a safe distance.
I LOVE the new boss music. That is so fantastic and helped me understand this bosses' place with the line of other bosses. He needs more health though, one charge shot of a Plague Needle killed it for that round. Granted, that was soloing it.
I love this misson so much, thank you.
I've noticed that if the Frost Spirits are setting to explode, and you whack them with a BTB, you take damage and freeze. So apparently 1) Their damage radius is greater than the reach of a sword and 2) if they are priming to explode, killing them gains you nothing because they will explode anyways. You've got to get them earlier, DBB is your best bet.