What Serell said, Chaos is for proz0rz
How did you choose your avatar?

You dont choose avatar, its avatar that chooses you.

We don't need more Asukalans/butt nuggets
People, stay away from the mew avatar!

It disguises itself as a cute little kat but it's the spawn of the devil

the icon of Spiral Knights.
The two first wallpapers, it's there.
Scroll down and under "New Blogs", look at "Arsenal Expansion 1"(2nd picture/blog)
Preview Event Grand Finale Weekend!
Scroll down and under "New Blogs", it's the original picture from the Preview Event(1st picture/blog)

Valk set will always look dumb to me because of Hewhomustnotbenamed.

I tried making it in minecraft but meh, my artistic skills are rubbish & I got stumped. I'm no builder, who was i kidding myself xD

Artist, that's exactly what I said a bit ago. :(
What even is that.
Omg KS no no that avatar is degrading more with each second.

I was speaking of a certain "sound a punch makes/tiny fluff in the sky
Know what ahm saying?

It's pretty obvious, isn't it?

Bleh, brb, changing avatar so it's not that other person's..

You know, the other guy who shall not be named who uses the Valkyrie Helm avatar. Current avatar is the proto set I chose in the beginning.

Which kinda sucks because I use the valkyrie helm + skolver coat combo as my main outfit. Been accessorizing recently though, so, eh...

Silent, solemn, and resolute (if not a bit slow): that's the impression that I get from their aesthetic. Traits that could almost make me respect them if I weren't killing them for their loot and much-needed health drops.
Except when they charge you from off-screen and pin you into a corner. Haaaaaaaaate.

It bears the closes resemblance to me. Gold Rose Regalia set, determined eyes, and cobalt color are roughly estimated by the avatar pictured on the left.
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