Me, soloing the entire Clockworks, with no deaths and only one loadout.
Problem, experts?
Spiral Knights - Dauntless Diver - One Loadout - Solo

OMG 2 hour youtube video. Anyone who will watch it whole is mad.
You should put in description links to skip to certain minutes of your video like Emberlight, Moorcroft manor or basil d23 etc or skip to your equipment...

It would have been convenient if you showed us your loadout before starting (because randomly clicking through the video to see various weapons was annoying)
Ash tail set, dark thorn shield, glacius, ascended calibur antigua?
what about trinkets?

Not bad. I tried this once, but of course died even in a party of 3 lol. Nice job, though I still think having one loadout doesnt make it too much challenging. You know, since you can go in with:
Wolver armor of some sort
Barbarous thorn Shield or Grey Owlite Shield
DA or Elemental Brandish
GF or Acheron
And a gun of some sort
Drop in a few trinkets and basic dodging and shielding skills and you win!
Nevertheless good run.

Ash Tail set, Dark Thorn shield, Glacius, Ascended Calibur, Blackhawk, no Trinkets

Meh. Nothing new. Sorry but this isn't anything amazing. Did it countless times (only to die in T1 from afking), but never properly to get the achievement lol.
Now, if it were damage-less, that would've been something.

I like how he went in with
a) only 1 5* item, the rest of the gear being 4*
b) a 4* shadow gun, which defies the general consensus that an elemental gun is ideal for all turrets, constructs and undead (luckily for him, he didn't encounter howlitzers he needed to gun from afar)
b) a normal weapon, as opposed to a pierce weapon, to cover his glacius' weakness
This reminds me of the fact that when you are grinding up to 5* gear, getting that 5* gear is the goal.
But once you have hit 5* for a while, many of us start to think getting those UV's are important when they really it is more like a nice-to-have.

I remember doing that achievement a year ago with a 4* magic set and owl shield, Avenger, and Dread Venom Striker. Nothing in the Clockworks is really that bad if you're careful except potentially devilites and kats in party rooms.
On a related note to Tersakaff, the first time I did it (took two attempts) I almost ran out of time toward the end and was trying to blitz through the last few floors. One of them had wolvers though and I ended up with a dozen following me until I finally died.

I remember when I did dauntless. It was with sojuu, before the arsenal stations were there, much more of an achievement back then because of it; good job on this.

Because, as I said, I ran out of time toward the end and was trying to finish the achievement off before I had to log.

My dauntless run was full of shock Develites. In fact the entire gate was all shock. You waited to go around the Develites. Dissapoint.
... I miss the old Quicksilvers. I don't miss Griever clouds ignoring shields though.

I miss the old Quicksilvers as well, and the Oilers too. When a Oiler caught on fire you knew it, now they barely do anything. I don't remember what the Grievers used to do though. Honestly I was pretty surprised to come back to see some of the nerfs I did despite the fact that Devilites still seem as awful as I remember them.
Also I have no idea what Tersakaff is even asking anymore...

Oh right I was gonna mention Dogrock and Nj's dauntless.
Good job guys.
And I'm asking how do you think blitz would speed things up.

Oh, are you talking about the gun, Blitz Needle? That would make a lot more sense. But no, I was using the actual word, which is to say I was charging past mobs without attacking anything.
If you're not talking about the gun, despite my listing the two weapons I used, then I still have no freaking idea what you're asking.
Edit: Cornu, I don't the stratas really matter until T3. =P

I did this not too long ago as well, i think i did it with this set:
Laviathan Blade
Tri-Heart Pentant
Azure Guardian set (Shield, Armor and Helm)
I got 2 extra achievements for it (for ones i didn't do yet): Gold Survivor and Cradle and All.
However, i didn't do it solo but i tried to. at some point in Tier 1, my friend Greemole joined then 2 more players joined at some point in Tier 3. I had to fight the Royal Jelly on the way which was pretty easy.
Is someone supposed to have a problem with this?