lolololo 08:05:46:37 here..
in other words, almost 200 hours.~(?, if that's wrong blame google calculator. derp) but what about you guys? 8D
Account play time? -since wipe, ofc-
Even if that's really like 6 days difference, since day=24 hours, and you prolly sleep for some time, kinda close. *though it's not like it's hard to believe that there's a person besides me who spends more then a second of their life online.* /derp.
Speaking of sleep, I'mma go get some~ au revoir.
I'm sure some members of Guild have 20+ days played. I had 2 days played within the first 2 weeks but i've still only got 2 days played as of right now.
Just over 6 days. Though I'm not actually playing all that much as that number makes it seem. I'll be logged in to chat to people while actually doing other tasks on my computer.
I want to know how much of everyone's time logged is just them running around in circles in the arcade.
4 days. Though about 3 hours of that was trying to make this run on this laptop and the loading screen counts...
I want to know how much of everyone's time logged is just them running around in circles in the arcade.
All of it.
Except in the Bazaar.
"I'm sure some members of Guild have 20+ days played. I had 2 days played within the first 2 weeks but i've still only got 2 days played as of right now."
Hey ezzi, you know that'd be 480 hours; the equivalent of 40+ daytime days, unless they were playing through the night; wipe was only 30 days ago right..?
though, I guess some of the guild would go through night, but even I've been staying up most the night most days and not that high D8
4:16:26:00 as of right now, about to log in and add some more time :)
1 day, 12 hours. Very little time spent idling in Haven.
19 hours, 24 minutes and 2 seconds. I don't chat a lot, so only about 5-10 minutes in Haven/Arcade/Bazaar every day.
7 days.
I need to dress my knight like a little girl with long black hair.
Speaking of 'horror' movie references.
I've been a Forum Member for: 28 weeks 3 days
I'd guess around 70% of that was spent semi-afking or being stupid in Haven.
Also, I believe I had 24 days of playtime in the preview.
I've played for 4 days, and 10 in the preview. I can't believe kelgis beat me D:
am curious