Level theme ideas ...
So how about some levels to pay homage to Gauntlet? Very similar style of dungeon crawl.
Gauntlet ... lets see ...
We don't have teleporters, and we don't have things that spawn an infinite stream of monsters. Even if we did, our monsters generally take more hits to kill than those monsters did.
We don't have valuable pickups that can be destroyed by ranged fire. Hmm...
Examples of things we have: Long narrow passages with a "destroy all connected blocks" at the end, with monsters on either side of the wall so you're surrounded as soon as the walls go away.
Maybe a better example would be something that more or less copies (or, is inspired by) some of the level floor plans. Levels that are similar in layout to some of the levels from Gauntlet.
(... and we don't have a creature that throws weak damage attacks at you from over the other side of a wall, just to keep you moving along ... but they added up in large numbers).
not an description of the game features...also, i played gauntlet:
-Teleporters would be good in puzzles, like sabrina gym (and let them wiki it as an walkthrough...if people really want to paly, they would not search for an walkthrough, only when they are really felling hopeless, and spent most of the time. If one want to spoil its fun, let they do it. And if one wants to spoil the fun of others, it will fastly be ignored by everyone that want to have fun). Teleporters tha spawn an endlesly monster stream should not be done, unless the monsters doesn't drop any itens (and i say any at all, only the eventual 1 heart every 10 to 20 kills, at most), and the teleporter itself drops the rewards after sucefully destroyed/turned off. Also, would only work if the monsters spawned are at least half weak as the actual level monsters.
-Valuable pickupss that can be destroyed by ranged fire = lame....this is a rather anoying mechaninch added in the late games after ps1...and i do hope that SK mirror most of their mirrored thoughts to the old times games from snes/mega drive and lower.
also...this game IS a dungeon crawler....as zelda, okami, and many others are.
I saw Pupu made some very nice suggestions: here.
New idea: I want to see the ghost Kats and wolvers on the same level.
Preferably with a "raining" backdrop.
... wait for the groan ...
At first, I was thinking of some kind of haunted rainy forest that would contain the kats and wolvers. Made sense, and sounded interesting.
and i'm sleepy as hell, and waiting for some explanation myself.
Even if it is a joke that strangelly remembers me of catdog, i kinda liked the idea of having a level with diferent monster types, that don't co-relate in their habitats (like the concrete jungle, with jellies, zombies, and wolvers).
Such as....? Not all of us have played that, give us some examples of what it is you want to see!
On the subject, here's an idea of mine:
Areas inspired by Indiana Jones and similar movies/games. Cursed Ruins! Dust, sand, pebbles on the ground. Basically every enemy either poisons or curses you. Traps that shoot arrows (doing piercing damage of course. What game has piercing damage and no arrows?) or open panels to reveal spikes and flame jets on previously walkable ground. Picking up the gold key is, of course, the biggest trap.