The "Bosses" category is currently missing the Schemer Razwog page link, because Razwog is in the game. Can anyone please fill it in? Thanks.
Please Link to Razwog on Boss category page.
I was browsing the Wiki for any tiny tidbits that needed to be worked on, and that was one of them. I didn't think of changing the title, but I don't know how to.
EDIT: On second thought, I already know how to. Never mind. I'll change it.
EDIT 2: It's done. I've changed the title. Satisfied, Bopp? Thanks.
On second thought, no matter how we divide the content among various pages, it is truly nuts not to have links to the individual bosses' pages. So I've added them now. Sorry I even discussed here; I should have just acted.
Anyone could have done that before you. All it takes is a little attention.
Hector-Uribe, I've read that Razwog IS indeed a boss. He's the opponent that stands in the Knights' way of reaching Haven. None of us know why he was assigned to do this, but it's probably for a nefarious cause.
Raz is more of a miniboss, like Battlepods, or the Toxilargo.
Raz is a glorified Scorcher, as Arkus is a Trojan, Toxilargos being Glorified Litchen Colonies.
Infact, comparing Arkus to both all the bosses, and minibosses, he's just the same AS A Scorcher.
Least all the others have newer attacks and more diverse Phases.
A boss must have a dedicated depth for the boss fight. That is not true for both Arkus and Razwog.
Also where is your proof?
The depth you fight Seerus is different from the other 8 bosses, so the same rules can comply to Razwog. Also, the boss music plays during his fight, so that might give away the fact that he is considered a boss. I think someone from Three Rings also mentioned him being a boss somewhere, I do not remember though...
Nobody from OOO has ever said that Razwog is a boss.
I sent in a support ticket for official confirmation and this was the reply:
Hector-Uribe - Today at 12:27pm:
Is he a boss or not?
Coriolis - Today at 3:43pm:
You encounter Razwog during the missions in the Rescue Camp before arriving in Haven. You can find more information about Razwog here:
Which basically translates to: we dont f***ing know
Just leave it as is for now at least, it's pointless having revert wars over a bit of information.
Which are unique to only that set of lvs.
Raz and Arkus don't meet those requirements.
@Tohru-Adichi Arkus, despite looking like a trojan, he is extremely different
-He can't dash or attack boost
-He has attack patterns more like a knight
-He isn't COMPLETELY resistant in the front
However, I agree he isn't a boss, and neither is Razwog.
The word 'boss' is used 3 times there. We should be consistent so do something.
Add a note under trivia explaining this debate, threat him as a true boss, or find a synonym to replace the word there.
Added Trivia about Razwog boss debate, and factors that people claim for Razwog NOT being a boss.
-Read Nick's 2nd explination. It's about Razwog.
I think Three Rings did intend for Razwog to be a boss.
They might have intended for it to be a boss fight but considering how you can literally sit back and let Rhendon kill Razwog. It get severely nerfed to the point where it is as easy as a regular fight if not easier.
I do not recall the area being nerfed for what ever reason, the only actual enemy that got nerfed during that whole update was the Retrodes' health throughout the game.
This is gonna get messy. He is a boss in some way. How do you call that special enemy at the end of a level on any game?
But he doesnt fit with the rest of the real bosses.
I was about to make the link, when I realized that none of the bosses have links. There doesn't seem to be clear consensus as to how to divide up the content among the boss lairs (e.g. Gloaming Wildwoods), the bosses themselves (e.g. Snarbolax), and meta-pages (e.g. Boss).
If you want to help, you could change this thread's title to something descriptive, such as "Please link to Razwog on Boss page".