I saw this in one of the levels in Terminal Meltdown.
When I hit it, it had a little shower of leaves like a normal bush, but it also exploded.
Ninjablock, perhaps?
So a funny thing happened on the way to the fuel depot...

I'd like to see an explosive bomb within an explosive bomb.
Or a bush within a bush.
JUST LUCK TO SEE THAT, BRO. Remember the Clockworks are randomly generated so there is a 1% chance of error. :x

...yo dawg I heard you like explosives
so here's some explosive in your explosive
so you can get blown up whilst you blow things up
(How would that even work?)

o lol this again.
I swear I've seen this practically everytime I go to a Wolver Den.

Have you seen a soul jelly spawn at vana? No? Then get out ¬.¬

I saw a Soul Jelly in FSC, does that count? :D

Technically yes, But I haven't seen one spawn at vana either, So GL with that.

There are no jellies at vana therefore what you're asking is completely silly and invalid. Unless.. you'd replace Vana's model with a soul jelly
Now that would be super silly

Plenty of people refer to the whole thing as vana y'know, but w/e.

If you would've read the whole topic, you wouldn't have posted that.

I did read the whole topic, which is about those funny blocks O.o. I was merely commenting on what i perceived to be false information, but was actually just a mistake on my part. Anyway, as much as I'd love to continue this because I'm easily amused, lets get this back on topic. I've seen a bomb/bush before. I blew it up. Not much else to say other than "it happens sometimes". Still fairly quirky though. :)
Shush, you saw nothing of the legendary ninjablock, now move along.