Today's patch notes can be found here:
July 25 Update - Discussion
Can't wait to try out the new mission!
(I had to post this again because the other thread about this suddenly disappeared...)
Mine, got graveyarded even though I made mine ffirst.
The only content that I cannot/am not bringing Chaos Cloak to. The worst part about it is that's the only gear I have excluding proto.
- Drones have been tweaked so that they have more consistent behavior.
- Trojans should no longer spam their push-back attack when near large amount of blocks.
- Fire produced from oil is now slightly less potent.
- Fire produced from oil now consistently damages monsters.
- Oil now ignites from oil slick to oil slick at a slight delay.
- Fire produced from oil in Tier 2 now burns for the intended amount of time.
chipping away at the overall game difficulty is still a bummer.
Since now we have 2 danger missions LoA and Compound 42, how will this work? We will have 2 danger missions daily or they will switch, one day its LoA and one day its Compund 42?
If so, will we be able to play Compound 42 just after server update or not since todays Danger Mission is LoA and we will have to wait untill it switch with Compund 42?
Xombie, when you play C42, you'll understand why those changes were made. Pretty much, a whole room could light up at once, meaning instant death at the wrong time.
Now I don't think the oil/fire changes will really affect gameplay anywhere else.
Stopping the trojans from getting stuck means it's harder since you can no longer just leave them off in the corner.
Drone consistency is fine, they weren't much of a challenge before anyway.\
So yes... chipping away.....
@ Asukulan
I want them to cycle, like every day it's a different mission. It's better this way because if you want your prestige then prepare for hell trooper or wait till tomorrow for something less terrifying!
That would be most reasonable thing to do but if they will cycle:
- Just after update there will be no Compound 42 mission avaliable since todays mission is LoA, players will have to wait for next cycle,
- If they will cycle, and OOO will force switch to make Compound 42 mission avaliable just after server update some of players would lost the chance to play todays LoA and gain daily prestige
Also there is high propability for "an error occured on server" ... just like with previous daily missions update.
Just in time. Yesterday I finally managed to fully heat up my Wyvern Scale Shield and transmute it into Dragon Scale Shield :-)
"Item drops will no longer appear inside of flame tiles, such as those in Firestorm Citadel."
What about flame tiles appearing inside players? Or are we considered items too?
So you can now /joinknight ?
EDIT: Also did anyone notice the name? "Compound 42". 42 the meaning of life :o
Or this.
but if anyone could record and upload a video of the new Danger Mission I'd be grateful.
I doubt it, Canozo. For the next 5 days I will leave all my parties open and I bet nobody will randomly join.
It says 52 secs... 53 secs... 54 secs... anyone else having the game update be unreasonably slow?
EDIT: Now it's 70% complete with 101 mins left and counting >.>
The minimal UV's on a dragon scale set carry over the same benefits as they did in the test server.
Though, maybe they made the bar even lower. Can someone with a dragon scale helm + armor w/o the applicable uv's confirm whether they get poisoned/lit the oil slicks.
I know you (OOO) wanted to convey that the oil gave poison, but graphically it looks awful.
Re: slow downloads.
Restart it to connect to a better connection. Generally when they slow, they don't get better.
Every update is a joke, regarding download. Its flat for minute, then downloads full speed for 5 seconds and flat again... and download time is either ridiculously big or just is stuck on like 1 minute.
Yay, the RSS has lived to see another week.
Compound 42 looks awful similar to something I posted in the suggestions a while back :/
@Asukalan, Really? Whenever I download a patch it takes about five minutes and I'm good to go.
It wasn't anything mind blowing but I enjoyed the place. Wasn't too difficult but was fun as it seemed to require a lot of movement to stay out of things and you can't just shield or use health capsules at will unless you have a lot of poison defense I guess, which I didn't and it didn't at all seem necessary.
The lack of rage inducing respawning healers + respawning shielding enemies makes it infinitely more tolerable than Legion of Almire in my opinion.
Why every time you update the game the patch takes me more then 210 minuts its starting to be stupid.
All I can say is so much POISON and LAGG. 54 treasure chests at the end.
Just attempted this mission.....OOO does NOT use the term "danger mission' lightly.....Worse than LoA in my oppinion....didnt even get to the third floor.To anybody who has completed it,how is the total payout compared to LoA? And is the third floor filled with loot like LoA?
~Magnicth the Dragon Mage
The payout is fairly similar to LoA and the final room is a prize room exactly like LoA. The last room of the mission is even laggier than RT on a bad day.
The server just reset as I stepped of the elevator into the treasure room....
Has anyone been able to download the patch and then log in and play?
I think some of you need to use Linux. My Windows computers have this problem sometimes, but my Linux one NEVER has it.
I just played the new Compound 42 danger mission, and I have two questions for the level designer:
Is everything okay at home? Do you need a hug?
It takes a special sort of mind to devise super fast moving poisonous fire slimes, and then to place them in front of a flamethrower...
Oh man, you should've played the original version of this. All fire everywhere ignited at once, Polyps would not stop spawning more Lichens, the Poison and Fire were more potent, it was really just a great, big mess.
Compound 42 feels like a gear check. Definitely a disappointment after how enjoyable Legion of Almire was.
The mission is less hard and more cheap, I feel. I've still seen massive patches of oil go up in one go, so OOO didn't fix that. Also kind of irritated they didn't do away with oilers staying on fire despite being frozen. You know, when they drop an oil patch on themselves, light it on fire, then sustain themselves on it. It's extra dumb with shivermist since the mist should logically be putting out the oil fires too. At any rate, it makes thinking tactically useless. After all, why try to put out the fire if it won't actually go out?
That's my only true gripe with the mission. Though it really emphasizes how I wish poison would just wear off instantly with no monsters around. I'm sick of waiting for poison to drop so I can pick up hearts after battle. It might only be 5 seconds, but that time builds up after a while.
Oh yes, of course! I shall switch over to a new system and drop everything I have here just because OOO has to fix something, sounds great!